Hello there and a very happy Christmas to all the parents and carers of Bloxwich Academy Primary! Yesterday, we welcomed you all in to school to join us at our Festive Fayre, and we must thank you for making it a huge success! The final total raised from both Santa's grotto and the fayre was in excess of £1219; a fantastic amount which we will put towards arranging future events and treats for the children.
A huge thank you has to go to Mr. Dick who kindly volunteered to take part in the ‘Soak the Staff’ challenge; he took every sponge on the chin, literally, and the children had so much fun! The Hook a Duck was also a huge hit, and there were some fantastic prizes won on the raffle. We really appreciate the support from the school and the community, and cannot wait to hold more events like this in the future.
On behalf of Friends of Bloxwich, we hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and an amazing New Year.