
Careers Week

To celebrate the end of 'Careers Weeks' Bloxwich Academy Primary pupils came to school dressed in a costume of a career then would like for their future. We have had such a wide range of costumes including designers, entrepreneurs, vets, police officers, teachers, a palaeontologist, barristers, a detective, a variety of sports people, an array of scientists and medical professionals but to name a few. 

Careers Encounters

This week we have held 'Careers Week' at Bloxwich Academy Primary. We have had visits from a F1 designer, veterinary nurses, a local engineer, a finance officers, a National Highways representative, a firefighter, a HR officer and an IT manager.   We are so grateful for all of the support for our 'Careers Encounters'. 

As part of 'Careers Week' Year 4 pupils have taken part in an interactive workshop with real Scientists through 'I'm a Scientist Get Me Out of Here'. The children investigated the Scientists profiles and then asked them question via a chat platform about their projects and careers. There were some amazing questions form our Year 4 pupils!


Careers Week

To celebrate the end of 'Careers Weeks' Bloxwich Academy Primary pupils came to school dressed in a costume of a career then would like for their future. We have had such a wide range of costumes including designers, entrepreneurs, vets, police officers, teachers, a palaeontologist, barristers, a detective, a variety of sports people, an array of scientists and medical professionals but to name a few. 


Year 8 Pencil Cases

Here are some of the pencil cases designed and made by yr8 rotation 1. They have designed pencil cases using crisp packets as a starting point. They have been taught the hand 'Applique' technique to decorate and add lettering and shapes. Then sewn their pencil cases together using excellent sewing machine skills.

Contact Info

Secondary School
Leamore Lane
Bloxwich, Walsall
West Midlands

T: 01922 710 257

Secondary SENDCo – Mrs Bensley

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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