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Supportive home visits improve attendance

Since the start of this term, our pastoral teams have now completed almost 200 home visits to support pupils and families with absence from school, in most cases resulting in improved attendance. It is important to us that all children feel safe and supported when attending school and we are keen to work with you to ensure that your child feels this way when attending school.

Unfortunately, the local authority have so far this term issued fixed penalty notices totalling almost £2,000 for avoidable school absence. We would also remind parents and carers that we do not authorise any term time holidays and would ask you to familiarise yourself with the school holiday attendance & punctuality leaflet for parents and carers available via our website.

Please email if there is anything we can do to support you or your child. This email address is not monitored each morning so please do not use it to report absence.


Themed Menus

We are delighted to launch our themed menus for 2023/24 off the back of our very successful new menu for the academic year. 

These special days are an opportunity to celebrate events, festivals and cultures from around the world across all of the Matrix Academy Trust schools. Not only will these provide pupils with a wide range of food experiences but will also compliment our Personal Development curriculum and Theme of the Week.

Watch this space for more updates on our menus and the wonderful food that we will be offering as part of these events.


Revision Morning

We are incredibly proud of the attitudes and focus year 11 are giving in their morning revision workshops over recent weeks with Mr Evers and Mr Booth. 

Pupils have been learning about the importance of planning, revision timetables and spaced learning. How to utilise Seneca and revision cards, concept maps and dual coding for memory, as well as Cornell notes and deliberate practice. Count down to mock exams is on.


Careers Fair

Bloxwich Academy welcomed visitors from a range of different professions, backgrounds, and sectors to their career fair on Friday. The visitors praised our students for their excellent behaviour, presentation, and inquisitive questions, with many asking if they could return for next year's event.  

Pupils were engaged and interested as they moved around the fair, with many pupils intrigued by the robotic arm, brought to the fair by AEC Solutions. Our pupils continued to display a keen interest in the armed forces, with stalls set up from the Army and RAF being particularly popular. 

Overall, our pupils found this a rewarding experience and I have had many positive conversations with pupils, as they plan their next steps and future careers. 

I would also like to thank all the staff who took part in the organisation of the careers fair and helped to supervise during the day.  


Attendance Matters

Excellent Attendance Reaps Rewards

Well done to the vast majority of pupils who have attended school every day this year so far; Year 7 are certainly leading the way and Year 11 are a close second (especially important with the forthcoming examinations on the horizon).

After talking with a number of pupils over the last few weeks, we are about to launch a new package of rewards for great attendance, alongside also rewarding pupils with improved attendance – watch this space!

We know that pupils fall behind their friends and classmates when they miss school. At Bloxwich Academy, we want the amount of missed education to be reduced as much as possible. We believe that our community is stronger together, with all of our pupils in school, on time, every day. We are building life skills, life-long friendships and preparing your child for future success.

Please email if there is anything we can do to support you or your child.


Macmillan Coffee Morning

Today Bloxwich Academy pupils raised money for Macmillan by holding a cake stall at break time. They provide services for people living with cancer at every stage of their cancer experience. Macmillan is 98% funded by voluntary donations, so fundraising is essential to make sure they can deliver the vital support people living with cancer need. The pupils wanted to support this charity and follow our Bloxwich values in this Academy


Young Writers

Congratulations to Toby, Ruby, Evie, Jessica and Kali for their ‘Young Writer’ award commended in the Young Writer’s national competition, their work is to be published in a creative writing book.  Creative writing extracurricular club has supported pupils to craft and structure their own plots with flare, around the theme of unsolved mystery. Huge well done to all!


Getting Creative

Pupils have been showing their creative flare this week! As you can see, we have some super-talented pupils we want to celebrate.


Open Evening

Bloxwich Academy opened its doors to welcome many new potential parents and pupils yesterday evening, the buzz and enthusiasm around school was truly visible. Our current pupils were excited to share the breadth of opportunities Bloxwich has to offer and how they aim to ‘be the best they can be’.

If you missed the opportunity to attend or would like to re-visit, please make contact via telephone 01922 710 257 to book an appointment for our open morning sessions (9.15 -10am) week commencing 2nd October & 9th October.

If you would like to complete an admission form, please see link below. Deadline for applications is 31st October 2023.


GCSE Results Day

We are delighted to report another set of excellent results for our Year 11 pupils. Through their continued hard work and dedication, we have seen a significant number of our pupils achieve fantastic grades in both GCSE and level 2 vocational subjects. 

These great results have ensured that our pupils can move onto positive further education destinations, with many of our year 11 pupils remaining in our sixth form.

Some notable individual achievements include:

  • Ellie S – four grade 9, two grade 8, three grade 7, one grade 6
  • Alyssa C-S  - two grade 8, four grade 7 and three grade 6
  • Jessica-Lilly F – two grade 9, five grade 8, two grade 7 and one grade 6
  • Khairah M – two grade 9, four grade 8, two grade 7, one grade 6 and one grade 5
  • Lola-Mae W – two grade 9, four grade 8, one grade 7, three grade 6
  • Lula-Rae W – one grade 9, two grade 8, two grade 7, two grade 6, two grade 5, one grade 4
  • Ryan M – four grade 7, three grade 6, two grade 5
  • Michael O – one grade 7, five grade 6, one 5, one 4 and a Distinction*
  • Megan S – two grade 8, two grade 7, four grade 6, two grade 5

These results represent a massive achievement for all involved, and we could not be more proud of our pupils, parents and staff. This cohort of pupils have certainly embraced our culture and belief of being the best you can be. I look forward to seeing them flourish in Post 16.

A Seager, Headteacher

Contact Info

Secondary School
Leamore Lane
Bloxwich, Walsall
West Midlands

T: 01922 710 257

Secondary SENDCo – Mrs Bensley

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

Copyright 2025 © All Rights Reserved
