
LionHeart Challenge

On Thursday 27th June and Friday 28th June, Year 10 pupils at Bloxwich Academy were provided with an excellent opportunity to take part in the LionHeart Challenge. Bloxwich Community Partnership have funded the exciting event where pupils had the opportunity to work in groups to research, develop and plan an event for a local demographic.

Pupils developed their ability to communicate, research local context and data and understand the financial requirements to run market an event. This not only included the development of an event, but also how to market and advertise. All skills developed during the day are transferable to furthering their education and into the working environment.

At the end of the event, each team had to present their event in full to the judging panel. The groups were judged on their finances, concept, marketing co ordination and presentation. They also were awarded for the overall winner.

The pupils represented themselves professionally and made Bloxwich Academy proud with their engagement and enthusiasm for the challenge.

Congratulations to Team 4 on both days. You were judged to have the best proposal for your chosen events and demographics. We now wait to hear if you are through to the final.

A special mention to a pupil that received a special award over the two days. Kobie Sargent was awarded “Most Outstanding Pupil” out of the whole year 10 cohort. Congratulations to him for his efforts, resilience and professionalism when supporting and leading his team.

Thank you to the LionHeart Challenge and to Bloxwich Community Partnership for funding the event and allowing our pupils the opportunity to develop their skills beyond the classroom.


Y12 Aston University Conference Day

On Thursday 27th June, our Y12 students visited Aston University, Birmingham for a student conference. This was an excellent opportunity for our students to discover more about the options for them after Sixth Form and inspire them to take different career paths. The day gave students the opportunity to attend a range of talks and workshops to include:

· Applying to university

· Careers and placements

· Mental health and well-being

· Choosing a university

· Meet with the admissions team and interact with current university students

The campus tours saw the students engage with different areas and facilities on site; from the library to the sports centre, to the Student Union. It was fantastic to have the sun shining as we walked around and got to interact with the Aston Student Ambassadors and really get a feel for campus life. With over 20,000 steps across the day (including walking from all the train stations), the Dominoes pizza that was provided at lunch time really hit the spot. 

A great day that has given out students a real-life insight. Time to make some choices now in to Year 13!


Water Safety

With the current hot weather, children, particularly older children, may look to go swimming in open water to cool down and have fun.  This comes with various risks – cold water shock, currents, hidden underwater dangers and diseases such as Weil’s disease. 46% of drownings occur in the summer months and this rises to 75% amongst 13 – 17-year olds. Educating children on these dangers is important in preventing tragic incidents.

The Royal Life Saving Society and the Canal & River Trust have some good resources with more information on this to discuss with your children:


For primary junior-age children (KS2):

For early years and primary infants (Nursery, Reception, KS1):


Book Fair

The book fair running in the library this week at Bloxwich Secondary. Pupils have been coming down and are still able to come and have a look at break/after school. With so many avid readers at the school, it has been a pleasure to see so many pupils getting involved and purchasing their books.

And it couldn’t be easier!

Pupils select the books they would like to purchase, take a QR code home for parents to pay and they collect the book the following day, so there is no need for pupils to bring money to school. 

The book fair is running until Thursday 27th June so there is still time to get your books in!


IBC Skills Show

On Wednesday 26th June, 13 of our Y8 pupils attended the Inspiring the Black Country Skills Show at Dunstall Racecourse to look at different career options. 

This event is in its third year and has been successful in bringing schools and employers/colleges and training providers together. Each exhibitor provided an activity for the pupils to get involved with, as it’s not a traditional careers fair. This year there were several new exhibitors that haven’t been at the event before, so bringing a wider spectrum of sectors for the young people. This event provides an insight into the world of work, enabling young people to engage with local employers through industry related tasks, hands on interactive activities that simulate real roles.

Pupils got the opportunity to try out various activities linked to job roles that companies offer including first aid, Armed Forces, construction, public house landlord, special effects make up and other media avenues. 

This trip has enabled and inspired young people to make informed decisions about their future subject selection and how subjects relate to the workplace and ‘real’ roles within business


Open Events 2024

We will be holding a few open events this year to give all prospective Year 7 parents and pupils the chance to come and visit us. These events will give you a little insight into what is means to be a pupil at Bloxwich Academy and give you the chance to ask any questions you may have.

Open Evening will take place on Thursday 12th September 2024 – 4pm – 7.30pm 

Open Mornings will take place on Monday 30th September – Friday 4th October between 9:20 – 10:00am.  

Due to high demand, please book your place – S Thomson will be in contact with you to confirm your place at an open morning. 


24 Hour Burpee Challenge for Jordan Lockley

This Friday Craig Timmins from AJs Gym is taking on a 24-hour burpee challenge to raise funds for Jordan Lockley who suffers with Quadriplegic spastic cerebral palsy and Gilbert’s syndrome. Medical experts recently told Jordan and his family that he had 6 months to live and Craig is taking on this challenge to raise funds to give Jordan a holiday to fulfil all his final wishes. Craig has been providing personal training sessions for pupils from Bloxwich Academy since February after CTS Fitness and AJs Gym started working partnership with Bloxwich Academy. Both Craig and AJs Gym have been integral to the support offered to pupils in Pivot Point, and this Friday pupils from the current cohort in Pivot Point as well as previous cohorts alongside Mr Booth and Mr Evans will be taking part in the event to support Craig, please donate if you are able to.

Donate Here


Year 11 Leavers Assembly

On Friday 21st June we said a fond farewell to the class of 2024. It started with time for pupils to sign their fantastic shirts, a buffet of food, and of course their Year 7 photographs, to relive their memories of time gone by.

Mr Booth and Mr Bradley led the way with a range of awards nominated by the Heads of House and Leadership, based on the fantastic memories of the pupils. In what has become tradition the assembly finished with a staff video where staff said their goodbyes in true Bloxwich Academy style.

Bloxwich Academy would like to finish by wishing Year 11 all the luck for their exam results and for their future careers, it has been an emotional and memorable year. Thanks for the memories class of 2024. Next step…..PROM!


Alison Cope

On Friday 21st June Year 10 pupils had the opportunity to have an assembly delivered by Alison Cope.

Alison is the mother of Joshua Ribera, who was murdered in 2013. Alison now works tirelessly to help prevent youth violence by campaigning and working with schools, sharing her sons’ story. Her mission is to educate others of the realities and consequences of youth violence and knife crime. Her particular focus, also discusses the dangers of social media and the footprint pupils are creating for themselves.

Both staff and students were moved by Alison and her story. We would like to thank Alison for her time and sharing her guidance on the ways to reduce the risk to all.

Find out more at


Prom Attire

On Friday 21st June Bloxwich Academy had the fantastic opportunity to be supported by Stefanie Lakin from Madrina UK. Madrina UK is a company supporting schools and individuals with Prom attire to overcome the financial barriers that some of our children and families face.

Stefanie joined us with a wide range of gowns and suits to support our pupils. During her time at Bloxwich, Stefanie helped our students to find their ideal outfit for the up and coming Prom.

Without the support of Madrina, some of our students would not have been able to feel special at the Prom, and for this Bloxwich Academy would like to express our gratitude for making this night, one to never forget.

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Secondary School
Leamore Lane
Bloxwich, Walsall
West Midlands

T: 01922 710 257

Secondary SENDCo – Mrs Bensley

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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