
Chantel Brooks Speaker

On Wednesday 10th July, Y9 had the exciting opportunity to meet and speak to Chantel Brooks. In “The Pursuit of Success” author and educator Chantel Brooks took pupils on a personal journey through her own school and career progression. Aimed at teenagers on the cusp of taking their GCSEs, her book offers invaluable insight and guidance for navigating the many challenges that lie ahead.

From the nerve-wracking anticipation of Results Day to the daunting decision of whether university is the right path, Chantel shared and drew on her own experiences to offer honest and relatable advice. But her assembly was not just about exams and career choices – it also delved into the emotional complexities of being a teenager in today’s world.

As someone who has often felt like a square peg in a round hole, Chantel understands the pressures and anxieties that come with trying to fit in while staying true to herself. Throughout her time at the school, she explored different perspectives, including those of students, parents, teachers, employers, and entrepreneurs, offering a well-rounded view of what it takes to succeed in the modern world.

Above all, Chantel’s event today was a reminder to our pupils that it’s never too late to chart your own path. With a mix of personal anecdotes, practical advice, and inspiring insights, Chantel inspired our pupils and motivated them to ‘Be the Best they can Be’.



On Wednesday 3rd July 2024, 60 year 8 pupils had the opportunity to be involved with a STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) day.  

Firstly, the pupils were tasked with building the tallest paper tower using only paper. Many pupils believed this was ‘impossible’ at first but after hard work and resilience they built freestanding towers. Pupils then had to design their own futuristic train stations where they worked in teams and presented their train station in front of everyone. The last task the pupils had was to design and build a tunnel using paper straws and tape. The tunnel had to hold a 1 kg weight and allow the train to go through. The pupils involved were an absolute credit to the academy and should be very proud of their accomplishments from the day!


Y12 Aston University Conference Day

On Thursday 27th June, our Y12 students visited Aston University, Birmingham for a student conference. This was an excellent opportunity for our students to discover more about the options for them after Sixth Form and inspire them to take different career paths. The day gave students the opportunity to attend a range of talks and workshops to include:

· Applying to university

· Careers and placements

· Mental health and well-being

· Choosing a university

· Meet with the admissions team and interact with current university students

The campus tours saw the students engage with different areas and facilities on site; from the library to the sports centre, to the Student Union. It was fantastic to have the sun shining as we walked around and got to interact with the Aston Student Ambassadors and really get a feel for campus life. With over 20,000 steps across the day (including walking from all the train stations), the Dominoes pizza that was provided at lunch time really hit the spot. 

A great day that has given out students a real-life insight. Time to make some choices now in to Year 13!


IBC Skills Show

On Wednesday 26th June, 13 of our Y8 pupils attended the Inspiring the Black Country Skills Show at Dunstall Racecourse to look at different career options. 

This event is in its third year and has been successful in bringing schools and employers/colleges and training providers together. Each exhibitor provided an activity for the pupils to get involved with, as it’s not a traditional careers fair. This year there were several new exhibitors that haven’t been at the event before, so bringing a wider spectrum of sectors for the young people. This event provides an insight into the world of work, enabling young people to engage with local employers through industry related tasks, hands on interactive activities that simulate real roles.

Pupils got the opportunity to try out various activities linked to job roles that companies offer including first aid, Armed Forces, construction, public house landlord, special effects make up and other media avenues. 

This trip has enabled and inspired young people to make informed decisions about their future subject selection and how subjects relate to the workplace and ‘real’ roles within business


Ethiad Stadium Trip

On Wednesday 19th June, pupils visited the Ethiad Stadium in Manchester. A full stadium tour driving careers aspirations; not just based on Sports, for nutrition and performance, but also linking to our English Curriculum by inspiring our next journalists and commentators.


Raise Education Workshops

As part of our RSHE curriculum, we are looking at pupils’ ability to acknowledge personal safety and understanding the development of themselves, their bodies. On Monday 15th April, Rebecca Jennings from Raise Education came into Bloxwich Academy, both primary and Secondary to deliver a range of workshops to our pupils.

The range of workshops were age appropriate and covered content as below:

Year 5: Friendships and raising self-esteem

Year 7: Female Genital Mutilation and personal boundaries

Year 8: Healthy relationships and gender identity

Year 9: Pornography and sexual harassment

Year 10: FGM and the law surrounding sexual relationships

The Department for Education requires us to deliver the statutory guidance for Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE). This, alongside other key areas such as RE, Citizenship and Careers, makes up our personal development curriculum which is delivered at all Key Stages through assemblies and form time activities.

Details of our RSHE Policy can be found on our website. This content is now statutory and forms a key part of our provision at school. Should you have any queries, please contact Miss Williamson in Secondary and Mrs Hatton in Primary.


Trip to College & School Leavers Careers Festival at NEC Birmingham

Bloxwich academy has once again proven in action its continuous effort in making students the “Best they can be”. On the 8th of November 2023, students from Bloxwich’s 6th form were picked to visit NEC in Birmingham for a national school & college leaver festival. 

This is hosted only once this year and some 6th formers had the opportunity to attend. It was indeed a lively and lovely festival with various universities displaying the courses they offer and the pathway to go with their knowledgeable staff, eager and prepared to give detailed information. Universities had their different stands which made it easier for students to walk around and inquire about their different field of interest.  

Careers and organisations present were Healthcare (NHS), Aviation (Tui, Ryan Air, Easy Jet), Army, Navy, Airforce, Britain horse riding society, Apprenticeship, Engineering schools, Manufacturing companies (Rolls Royce), and universities amongst others. 

6th formers and college students were eager to get information as fun games with prices were on offer like spinning the wheel for varieties of chocolates (from Nestle), sunglasses (Given by Tui), books and more. There was also opportunity to physically experience this field in a way as there was VR for skydiving and a chance to do some rock climbing from army and more, Horse riding, laser tag, ambulances, planes and more. 

Overall, it was a thrilling and educating experience for all the students as they were able to inquire and discover more about their field of interest.  

Moyin Adebanji (Y12 – student leadership team) 


Inspiring Women in STEM Assembly

In our recent school assembly, we had the privilege of addressing a crucial topic – challenging gender stereotypes in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). The event served as an eye-opening experience, encouraging all students to explore STEM fields without being bound by traditional gender biases.

The assembly featured personal stories of overcoming obstacles and excelling in STEM careers traditionally dominated by one gender; providing inspiration and insight into the vast opportunities that STEM offers, regardless of gender.

Students learned about the importance of breaking down stereotypes and embracing diversity in STEM. The assembly emphasized that STEM fields are open to everyone, regardless of gender, and highlighted the need for equal representation.

Students had the opportunity to ask questions and engage with the speaker, gaining valuable insights into pursuing STEM education and careers. Resources for mentorship programs, scholarships, and further support were also provided, ensuring that students have the tools to follow their passions in STEM.

This assembly was a significant step in promoting inclusivity, diversity, and gender equality in STEM at our school. We are committed to fostering an environment where all students, regardless of their gender, feel empowered to pursue their interests in these fields. We look forward to continuing these conversations and initiatives in the future, working together to create a more equitable and diverse STEM community.


Careers Fair

Bloxwich Academy welcomed visitors from a range of different professions, backgrounds, and sectors to their career fair on Friday. The visitors praised our students for their excellent behaviour, presentation, and inquisitive questions, with many asking if they could return for next year’s event.  

Pupils were engaged and interested as they moved around the fair, with many pupils intrigued by the robotic arm, brought to the fair by AEC Solutions. Our pupils continued to display a keen interest in the armed forces, with stalls set up from the Army and RAF being particularly popular. 

Overall, our pupils found this a rewarding experience and I have had many positive conversations with pupils, as they plan their next steps and future careers. 

I would also like to thank all the staff who took part in the organisation of the careers fair and helped to supervise during the day.  


A day’s work for a day’s pay.

Over this final half term of the school year, our year 7, 8 and 9 pupils are all going to be taking part in an activity called ‘A day’s work for a day’s pay.’ Each pupil will be given a ‘job’ at random by their form tutor and will be told how much they would get paid each day and each week being employed in that role.​ At the start of the following week, pupil’s  will fill out a payslip showing how much they would have earned in the past week, but this is linked to their school attendance.​ For example, if a pupil is absent for a day at school, they would lose a day’s pay from their job. If they are late to school, they would lose half a day’s pay.​

Pupils will complete a booklet during this activity over the next six weeks and in the first tutor session of each week they will fill in their weekly payslip (based on their attendance during the last week) and complete a short reflection activity. ​In the first of the sessions, pupils will find out what job role they have been given at random and will record how they feel about this and discover how much they can expect to earn daily and weekly.​

During the last week of term, there will be a reward for those with the best attendance at their job.​ Good luck everybody!

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Secondary School
Leamore Lane
Bloxwich, Walsall
West Midlands

T: 01922 710 257

Secondary SENDCo – Mrs Bensley

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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