Author Visit - World Book Day

To celebrate World Book Day this year we had a very special visit from author Stuart Hill, famous for the Icemark Chronicles (children's version of Games of Thrones). Stuart joined us to work with a number of our Year 7, 8 and 9 pupils. Together they were able to look at numerous passages to consider how an author crafts stories before attempting to create their own ghost stories. 

We are looking forward to reading these entries in our very own department competition. Well done to everyone involved, you were a credit to the school. A big thank you to Stuart for taking the time to visit us.

A big thank you to everyone who took part in World Book Day through fancy dress and book sharing activities. We had some wonderful costumes!


World Book Day 2020

On Thursday 5th March 2020 we celebrated World Book Day! We dressed up in our pyjamas and had various activities running throughout the afternoon. Pupils got to share their favourite books with classmates as well as partnering up with different pupils in other classes to do some shared reading. We would like to thank all of our pupils, parents and teachers for participating!

Thank you to The Sun for sending us a huge selection of books for our children to take home! They are absolutely over the moon and cannot wait to read them.


Sport Relief

On Friday 13th March, the school will once again be joining in the fun and fundraising in aid of Sport Relief.

Children are asked to come into school wearing their PE kit and participate in a Danceathon in return for a £1.00 donation. Each year group will have a 30-minute time slot where they can let loose and show off their best dance moves, before tagging in the next group to take on the challenge.

Once the Danceathon is complete, there will be a whole school assembly in which each class will take to the stage to perform dance routines which they have been learning during PE.


Prefect Applications 2020

The application process to become a Bloxwich Academy Prefect in 2020 is now open.

Applications are due by Friday 13th March 2020.

Have you got what it takes?

  • Are you a leader?
  • Are you patient with younger pupils?
  • Can you listen to others?

What does the role entail?

  • Working closely with Heads of House
  • Supporting the Leadership Team
  • Being involved in mentoring and supporting younger pupils
  • Giving up your own time to support others
  • Supporting Parent Evenings, younger form groups and Y6 New Intake Day

How do I apply?

  • Write a letter of application (no more than one side of A4), to include: A personal history of your life at Bloxwich academy, including anyway you have contributed positively in school, your ideas on the role of a Prefect and the personal qualities you think Prefects need.
  • Include the name of a teacher who will agree that they believe you are able to be responsible and trustworthy.  The teacher must be asked if they will be a referee for you and place their name in your letter.
  • The letter should be placed in an envelope and handed into the House offices for the attention of your Head of House by 3pm Friday 13th March  2020 and labelled with your name and form group.

What is in it for me?

  • Increased self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • Something of real worth to write about when you apply for College or University.
  • 2 days of high-quality training.

World Book Day

As part of our drive to promote and engage pupil interest in reading, the school will be participating in World Book Day on Thursday 5th March with the theme being Bedtime Stories.

On this special day, children are invited to come into school in their pyjamas and bring in their favourite bedtime story. This year’s World Book Day message is to share a million stories so with this in mind, the children will all be allocated reading buddies from different classes, and will share their much-loved story with each other.

Teachers will also swap classes and read to children from a different year group so that they can experience different storytelling techniques.


Slick The Musical

On the last week of term, pupils performed in the school production of Slick the Musical. Since the start of the academic year, pupils have been working on the production after school and the Performing Arts team are incredibly proud of the dedication and commitment they have shown to produce a fantastic show. A range of pupils from year 7 to 13 performed – with year 7 students playing lead roles. Both nights were a sell-out and we cannot thank you enough for your support. We are incredibly proud of the performers and are already excited for our next musical production!


Safer Internet Day

This week we will be joining the global Safer Internet campaign to promote the safe and responsible use of technology.   Safer Internet Day 2020 is taking place on Tuesday, 11 February 2020. The theme this year is "Together for a better internet".  

If you want to get involved or brush up on your eSafety knowledge head over to our Parent Platform where we upload guides on everything from what individual apps do to helping you have conversations with your children about eSafety.


LGBT History Month

February is LGBT History Month! We want to use this month as an opportunity to celebrate the strength and spirit of the LGBT community. Over the coming weeks, we will be posting a variety of LGBT icons, animals and historic events over on our Twitter account as well as updating this page with our posts.


Help Your Child Revise Event

Year 11 Examinations are fast approaching. You are invited to join us at our help your child revise information event on Wednesday 5th February 2020 at Bloxwich Academy Secondary. The event will take place from 3:30 pm - 4:15 pm. This event is for both parents and pupils.


Rockin' Assembly!

On Monday we had a special visit from Rock Steady Music School who put on a rockin' assembly! The children learnt about a variety of instruments and the difference between bass and electric guitars. They also sang along to their favourite songs!

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Contact Info

Secondary School
Leamore Lane
Bloxwich, Walsall
West Midlands

T: 01922 710 257

Secondary SENDCo – Mrs Bensley

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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