
Well Done Year 2!

Year 2 have had a brilliant couple of weeks. The children have been working very hard on their reading skills and it has been a pleasure for us to see them improving so much.

As the final week of the half term has arrived, the children have been completing their newest writing unit – persuasive postcards. We have used the book, Meerkat Mail, as an inspiration for this unit and the children have impressed us greatly with their creativity. This week, the children have written their own postcard persuading the reader to visit Bloxwich Academy.

Mrs Watkins’ maths group have been learning all about fractions in their mathematics, Miss Azad’s maths group have been finishing off their place value to 100 unit and Mrs Gandhi’s maths group have been looking at their addition and subtraction unit. Well done to all the children for their effort and hard work this week.

We have been coming to the end of a couple foundation subject units and have been having lots of fun being creative with their final projects. In R.E., we have been learning about Losar (a New Year’s tradition for Tibetan Buddhists). We have completed this project this week by having our own, small New Year’s class party and working together to create our own cham dance. The children and teachers really enjoyed this! The children created flower sculptures at the end of their Art project, using paper plates and felt tips to mimic the sculptural designs of Yayoi Kusama.

Well done on yet another fantastic half term, Year 2! Have a safe and happy Easter holidays. We look forward to welcoming you back to school next term!


Walsall Holiday Activity & Food Programme

The HAF programme is for children and young people aged 5 to 16 years who are eligible for benefit related free school meals. Children and young people and their families will be able to access free activities during the Easter, Summer and Christmas 2022 holidays.

The Department for Education's (DfE) Holiday Activities and Food programme (HAF) has provided funding for the scheme.

For more information visit our website  https://go.walsall.gov.uk/children_and_young_people/haf_signup or you can email us at WR4C@walsall.gov.uk


Year 4 Wrekin Trip

What a great week Year 4 have had! After the break, Year 4 started their new states of matter topic during their Science lessons. They have looked at how solids can turn into liquids and the melting point each object requires and they have also looked at how solids can turn into a gas. They have been classifying materials into the 3 groups. It was an interesting investigation as some children were unsure which group slime would be put into as it fills the container but is easy to hold.

Year 4 have also been writing up their explanations of the water cycle where they have been explaining evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection. They have been using technical vocabulary, which links to their learning in Science. It has been fascinating to read the writing and we will be recording audio recordings of these

On Tuesday, the entire Year 4 cohort visited the Wrekin – a 407m hill located in Telford. We set off at 9:15am and all the children were thrilled when they first glanced at the Wrekin in person. After 20 minutes of walking up the steep hill, we completed a science investigation which looked at which insects we could see in the woods. We then set off for another 20-minute hike. Once we reached the half-way point, we stopped for 15 minutes to complete some art rubbings of local plants. It was interesting to see how different leaves create different shades on the paper. Finally, after another 20 minutes of hill climbing, we reached the summit. The views were out-of-this-world! The children were sharing many comments:

“Wow, I can’t believe we actually made it to the top.”

“I don’t think I can see my house from here,”

“I can’t wait to tell my mum, she’s going to be so happy,”

We then sat at the top eating our lunch for the next 15 minutes. After a quick group photo, it was time to make our descent down to the coach. What a fantastic achievement for all involved! It was a great day spending time with the Year 4s, and we can’t wait to go on our next trip!


World Book Day

This week celebrates World Book Day and to kick start our week off and to continue our love of reading, the children were lucky enough to participate in a story-telling dance class run by an outside dance company. The children in nursery and reception danced to ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’, the children in year 1 and 2 danced to ‘The Gruffalo’ and the children in year 3, 4, 5 and 6 danced to ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’. Our children enjoyed this so much and both their performances and laughter were lovely to see and hear! 

On Thursday, we celebrated World Book Day. It was fantastic to see all the children come into school dressed as their favourite book character or in their pyjamas. Throughout the morning, each year group visited another to take part in reading buddies. The children shared how they enjoyed helping each other read.

After that, the children spent time in their classrooms completing activities themed around their class' book. Year 3 were looking at Charlie and the Chocolate factory, Year 4 were looking at Holes and The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe and Year 2 were looking at Meerkat Mail. Activities included retelling the story, drama, creating bookmarks, designing new front covers and much more.

After lunch, the children were very excited to find out who the masked readers were. Chants of 'take it off' could be heard throughout the building. To wrap up the day, the children then headed to the hall to check out this year's themed potatoes. They look absolutely amazing.


Wonder Kid, William

In memory of his older brother, during February, William in Year 5 will be taking part in a 24 hour gaming session to raise money for the charity Sands.  Sands is the leading stillbirth and neonatal death charity in the UK and exists to reduce the number of babies dying. They ensure that anyone affected by the death of a baby receives the best possible care and support for as long as they need it. You can find out more about the charity here: www.sands.org.uk

We wish William the best of luck with his fundraising! If you would like to find out more about the challenge, or wish to donate, you can contact his Mum Kelly, via email at Friendsofbloxwichacademy@outlook.com


Nursery Topic 'Long Ago'

In Nursery, we have started to focus on our new topic ‘Long Ago.’

The children have been exploring photos of events that have happened in the past. Some of the photographs the children have explored are in black and white. We have spoken about how photos have changed over time. We have been drawing pictures of our family using black charcoal and black wax crayons – the children have described their pictures brilliantly.

Last week, we all went outside to see how the weather had changed. After being outside for a few minutes the snow started to fall from the sky. The children put out their hands and caught lots of snowflakes. They felt the snowflakes fall on their face with joy.

Some children commented:

“It’s white!”

“It’s freezing now,”

“Where does the snow come from?”

In maths, we have been looking at patterns in the environment from spots to stripes. Some children have been very creative with their mark making skills and have made their own patterns. Well done everyone – keep looking for different patterns at home! In literacy, we have started to focus on a new story called ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar.’ The children have been able to join in with telling the story and have enjoyed counting the fruit the caterpillar has eaten. We have been drawing caterpillars and comparing their size too. Some caterpillars were long and thin, and others were long and fat.

A quick reminder: The weather is getting colder please wrap up warm! We advise children to bring a hat, a scarf and gloves every day.

Keep working hard everyone!


Our Artistic Superstar

During the Christmas holiday, Bloxwich Academy Primary received the incredible news that one of our Year 6 pupils had won MP Eddie Hughes’ Christmas Card Competition! Holly’s amazing design had been chosen out of the hundreds submitted by children across the borough to be the official Christmas card of our local MP, and even the Prime Minister himself has been pictured holding the winning creation!

The news even made it into the Express & Star, and all the staff took great pleasure reading about Holly’s success over the holidays. The article is here if you would like to read more HERE.

Well done Holly, from everyone at Bloxwich Academy, and keep up the amazing work!


Friends of Bloxwich Festival Fayre

Hello there and a very happy Christmas to all the parents and carers of Bloxwich Academy Primary! Yesterday, we welcomed you all in to school to join us at our Festive Fayre, and we must thank you for making it a huge success! The final total raised from both Santa's grotto and the fayre was in excess of £1219; a fantastic amount which we will put towards arranging future events and treats for the children.

A huge thank you has to go to Mr. Dick who kindly volunteered to take part in the ‘Soak the Staff’ challenge; he took every sponge on the chin, literally, and the children had so much fun! The Hook a Duck was also a huge hit, and there were some fantastic prizes won on the raffle. We really appreciate the support from the school and the community, and cannot wait to hold more events like this in the future.

On behalf of Friends of Bloxwich, we hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and an amazing New Year.


Music Update - The Sounds of Bloxwich

After over 18 months of COVID restrictions preventing us from singing in school, it has been fantastic to hear the sound of singing filling our corridors once again.

Children from Year 1 all the way up to Year 6 have been rehearsing their Christmas songs for our carol concert and have thoroughly enjoyed it. Each year group has already been filmed singing their song, so watch out for the concert coming soon to a smart phone, tablet or computer screen near you!

Children in Early Years have also worked incredibly hard to learn all the songs for their Christmas production ‘Away in a Manger’. Parents have been able to come into school (socially distanced and masked) to watch their children perform over four separate performances this week. We thought the children would be exhausted but they have taken it all in their stride and still seem to have plenty of energy left!

Year 2 have just completed a very Christmassy unit of Music work named ‘Ho, Ho, Ho!’ They have really enjoyed learning to sing the song and have even performed the rap sections. The rapping was very tricky to begin with as it was so fast, but they soon got the hang of it. They learned to play some notes on the glockenspiels to accompany it too.

Meanwhile, Year 4 have been getting into some pop music! They have been learning about the music of Abba in their Music unit ‘Mama Mia!’ They have learned the song ‘Mama Mia as well as accompanying it on glockenspiels.

Another music video for you to look out for is our Year 4 and Year 5 pupils performing, A Christmas Jingle. The school has invested in instruments for every child in Year 4 and 5 so they do not have to share. You can see them playing clarinets, trumpets and even trombones!

They have only recently started learning to play these instruments but already sound fantastic together. We cannot wait to see their talents develop over the year.

We hope you enjoy your children’s performances and that you find some time to belt out some festive songs too. After all, singing is great for our mental health and is something you can enjoy doing with the whole family!


We're Ofsted Rated 'Good'

We are pleased to announce the outcome of our latest Ofsted inspection that took place on November 3rd and 4th. 

We're delighted to inform all parents and carers that the hard work and effort over the last four years from pupils, staff and parents was recognised. The outcome of the inspection has seen Bloxwich Primary and Secondary rated as the ‘GOOD’ Academy we all know it is. 

We could not be prouder with the outcome of the inspection as all categories were awarded as good:-

  • The Quality of Education - Good
  • Behaviour and Attitudes - Good
  • Personal Development - Good
  • Leadership and Management - Good
  • Early Years provision - Good
  • Sixth-Form provision - Good

This is the first time the Academy has achieved this status and we will continue to drive our standards for your child, to obtain the outstanding grade we know we can meet.

May we thank you all for your continued support and rest assured that we will endeavour to continue to `Be The Best We Can Be’ each and every day.

A copy of the report can be found HERE.

It is a pleasure everyday welcoming your child through our doors and watching them grow and develop.

Contact Info

Secondary School
Leamore Lane
Bloxwich, Walsall
West Midlands

T: 01922 710 257

Secondary SENDCo – Mrs Bensley

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

Copyright 2025 © All Rights Reserved
