
NEW WisePay App

A new WisePay App is now available for Android and Apple devices. You can download it from the Google Play or Apple Store.

Please note that you can't have both the new and old apps running side by side so you must uninstall the original app for the new one to work. The original app does still work so if you prefer to use this then you can continue to do so

The process for logging into the new app is the same as it was for the original app:

1. Enter the organisation code of the school (14915497)

2. Enter username 

3. Enter password

4. Child's first name 

5. Child's last name

Here are some FAQs and a User Guide for parents when using the new app: 

New WisePay App FAQs_V2.pdf 

WP App User Guide_V1_0206.pdf


Bloxwich’s Got Talent is Finally Back!

Bloxwich’s Got Talent is Finally Back!

Calling all dancers, actors, singers, musicians, comedians, magicians and anything else.  If you have a secret talent, we need to know - the more unique the better.

Come along to the auditions on Monday 14th June in the main hall to show us what you’ve got!

If you are successful, you will be allocated a mentor to prepare for Bloxwich's Got Talent. You will then need to impress the guest judges at the live show.

Be The Best You Can Be!

Volunteers packing donation boxes

Local Community Donation Day

Bloxwich Academy CCF is proud to run Local Community Donation Day in support of the Beechdale Community Shop. You can bring donations in as soon as you want to but the last day for donations will be Wednesday 26th May 2021. Bring donated items to Mr Hall’s room (120). All donations are greatly received.

Why donate?

  1. We live in a low income area.
  2. Families have lost family support due to covid-19.
  3. The furlough scheme is due to end soon.
  4. Working families may have had a reduction in income due to the pandemic.
  5. Senior citizens struggle to pay their bills.

Are there any rules?

  • Please don’t donate food out of date or close to being out of date.
  • No electrical items.
  • Clothing/bedding should be useable and washed.
  • Toys/board games should be complete sets and sealed with tape.

What should I donate?


Virtual Progress Evening Help

Virtual Progress Evenings Help

You can access the online parents evening booking system HERE.

Please contact the Academy if you have not received your personalised login details.

Please see below for video tutorials on using the booking system and attending appointments.

C_KA1375 copy

Physical Education

It has been fantastic to have our pupils back in school doing Physical Education. In Core PE this half term, pupils have developed skills, techniques and tactics in either Football, Badminton, Netball or Swimming. Classes will continue their rotation on these sports over the next half term. 

With the ever-changing adaptations in the current climate for the delivery of PE, the pupils have worked extremely well and upheld safety measures that have been in place within the PE department. 

In netball, pupils are learning rules and regulations, different methods of shooting, footwork, passing techniques and attacking play as well as building subject knowledge with tactical awareness for game-play and how to analyse strengths and areas for development in self and peer assessment.

In swimming, pupils are learning various strokes including backstroke, front crawl, breaststroke and butterfly as well as different survival skills. Pupils are building on previous learning and showcasing good levels of skill progression and most of all having a love of learning for PE. 

In badminton, pupils have learnt a range of skills and techniques from serving and different shot selections TO having developed tactical awareness and subject knowledge by understanding positioning, rules, regulations and the scoring system.

In football, pupils are learning various skills, such as, passing, shooting, dribbling, attacking and defending as well as building subject knowledge with tactical awareness for game play and how to analyse strengths and areas for development in self and others performance.

Celebrating success in PE: 

A big well done and fantastic effort to O. Quinn (8W1) for dedication to home learning and effort in PE, She has really developed subject knowledge and developed her understanding of different methods of training. 

A recognition of outstanding class work of, B. Sliwinski (10T1), J. Myatt (11S1) and K. Benton (13W1) in BTEC Sport L2/L3.

Great enthusiasm and dedication shown from the Year 11 girls in PE for efforts towards living an active and healthy lifestyle, the pupils have designed personal training programs, and shown massive improvements whilst performing in trampolining. 

We want to ensure all parents and carers that the Physical Education delivery at Bloxwich Academy is strictly following COVID-19 government guidelines as well as liaising with various sporting governing bodies to ensure safe delivery of sport at the Academy is in place. 

PE Kit Expectations:

Indoor PE: plain white t-shirt, plain black shorts or tracksuit bottoms/leggings and trainers. Swimming costume/shorts and a towel when pupils are on swimming (pupils are allowed to wear a t-shirt if they would like to when they are on swimming).

Outdoor PE: rugby jersey or plain white top, plain black jumper (no hoods), plain black shorts or tracksuit bottoms/leggings and trainers or boots.

Optional kit but recommended: Shin pads, football boots, gum shield

No jewellery is allowed in PE and long hair must be tied back. If pupils have an injury or are unable to do PE for some reason, they must provide a note in their planners which has been signed by parents. Pupils WILL still require their PE kit, as they will take part in the lesson in some form that is none physical. COVID-19 restrictions are not an excuse for pupils to miss PE as the PE department ensure that necessary guidelines are followed strictly to minimize pupil risk.


Combined Cadet Force 2021

This term, training has continued under some very challenging circumstances but this has not deflated the enthusiasm of the cadets and staff at Bloxwich Academy.

The Senior Cadets and Corporals have being conducting online lessons to achieve their part 2 status. This enables promotions to Leading Cadet, Senior Cadet and promotion to Corporal.

The senior team have also being delivering lessons to the Year 8 cohort, as five of the senior team have recently passed their instructor qualification. The instructor qualification allows the instruction to wear a gold lanyard on their uniform in recognition of the gained qualification.

With the lockdown roadmap in place from the government and RAF headquarters there a few training events planned for when the cadets are released from lock down restrictions, these include a Year 8 trip to RAF Cosford museum, a senior cadet visit to the helicopter museum, and a rock climbing trip on the Welsh boarder. The CCF at Bloxwich Academy owns its own climbing equipment and the cadets want to put into practice what they have learnt so far in the school gym on a live rock face!

During lockdown the Contingent Commander (Mr Hall) has been promoted to Flying Officer up from Pilot Officer.

To keep up with demand for face-to-face training the school are running two Wednesday training sessions during the Easter break. This just shows the dedication of the cadets and their Adult volunteer staff and officers.

The CCF is open to pupils of the school once they reach Year 8. Some Year 7 pupils are already trying to reserve places on next September’s intake!

The Contingent Commander, Officers, SSI and Cadets thank you for your continued support.

Flying Officer Hall,

Contingent Commander,

Bloxwich Academy Combined Cadet Force (RAF)


Red Nose Day UPDATE

On the 19th March, Bloxwich Academy held a Red Nose Day to support Comic Relief Day. This Year it felt more important than ever to have some fun and raise money to support people who are living incredibly tough lives. As Sir Lenny Henry comments, “We need the power of funny to turn laughs into lasting change.” On the day staff and pupils wore something red and donated money to the charity. Sixth Form pupils sold doughnuts in the canteen at break time to raise money for as well.

Donations collected for Red Nose Day help tackle important issues including homelessness, hunger, domestic abuse and mental health stigma, all of which have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The money raised goes towards supporting amazing organisations across the UK and around the world.

Our support is urgently needed across key areas:

  • Food Banks
  • NHS charities
  • Mind – Mental Health
  • Families and Women charities
  • Homeless
  • Crisis
  • Age UK

We managed to raise over £232.21 , a big thank you to everyone who helped and supported the day’s events.

Well done all.

Miss S Stanley


Red Nose Day

Bloxwich Academy Secondary will be celebrating Red Nose Day!

Pupils are invited to wear something red along with their full uniform on Friday 19th March 2021 with a donation of £1. All raised funds are to help charities such as MIND, Crisis and AgeUk.

There will also be doughnuts for sale in the canteen for 50p.


Safer Internet Day 2021

On Tuesday, 9 February 2021, we will celebrate the 18th edition of Safer Internet Day with actions taking place right across the globe. With a theme once again of "Together for a better internet", the day calls upon all stakeholders to join together to make the internet a safer and better place for all, and especially for children and young people.

Read on to find out more about practical ways in which you can get involved in the celebrations. Whether you are a young person, a parent or carer, a teacher or an educator, a policy maker, or whether you represent an organisation or industry, everyone has a role to play in creating and maintaining a better online world.

And, noting the global reach of the Safer Internet Day campaign, on this site you’ll also be able to discover more about the planned actions of European Safer Internet Centres, global Safer Internet Day Committees and a range of organisational and industry supporters – we’re progressively updating profiles for the 2021 campaign, so please check back often for the latest updates.


Screen Free Friday

As part of Children's Mental Health Week all remote learning activities on Friday will be away from computer screens. Your child's teachers have designed a wide range of creative learning activities that can be undertaken from home without pupils having to be sat at their device all day.

Pupils should only sign into Teams for their registration period, to access the booklet and then submit photographs of their work.

Pupils should choose a minimum of three different activities that they can complete either independently or as a family. We would advise planning your activities today so that you can gather any materials or ingredients that you may need before tomorrow.

When all the creative learning activities chosen have been completed and photographed, the work can be uploaded and submitted to the form tutor in Teams. (Guidance of how to do this is on page 2 of the booklet). Pupils that show excellent effort will be awarded House Points for their respective house.

We hope that everyone enjoys a day of fun and creativity that supports their physical and mental wellbeing and we look forward to seeing some fantastic work.

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Contact Info

Secondary School
Leamore Lane
Bloxwich, Walsall
West Midlands

T: 01922 710 257

Secondary SENDCo – Mrs Bensley

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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