Careers Fair 2019

This year the Matrix Academy Trust Annual Careers Fair was bigger than ever before, with over 80 visitors giving up their time to meet our pupils. During the fair, pupils were able to engage with a range of employers, universities, apprenticeship providers, colleges and training providers.

Visitors came from all over the country, with universities as far-reaching as Belfast, and the careers represented at the Fair spanned a variety of fields such as healthcare, engineering, construction, the forces, hairdressing, the police, technology, defence, funeral care and the civil service. Many visitors were from key employers that reflect the changing needs of the local labour market.


Half Term Halloween

We have collated a range of resources to keep you occupied this half term.
Take a look through some of our favourites and share your creations with us on Twitter: @bloxwichacademy.

Edible BroomsticksDownload HERE
Gingerbread SkeletonsDownload HERE
Spider Chocolate Crispy CakesDownload HERE
Halloween Counting ActivityDownload HERE
Gruesome Halloween BoxesDownload HERE
Halloween Poetry ShapesDownload HERE
Halloween PuzzlesDownload HERE
Halloween Word SearchDownload HERE
Spooky Scavenger HuntDownload HERE
3D Paper WitchesDownload HERE
Bottle Top SpidersDownload HERE
Make a Magic WandDownload HERE
Paper Plate Spider WebDownload HERE
Werewolf Monster MaskDownload HERE
Halloween BuntingDownload HERE
Halloween CostumesDownload HERE
Halloween Colouring 1Download HERE
Halloween Colouring 2Download HERE

Maths Support for Parents

Year 7 & 8 Maths Support for Parents

Bloxwich Academy would like to give you the opportunity to attend a workshop with our outstanding maths team. The session will be based on all the basic skills your son/daughter will need to know to enable them to complete homework successfully.

The workshop will take place on Thursday 17th October at 4.30 pm until 5.30 pm at the secondary site. If you are interested and would like to book a place please give us a call on 01922 710 257.


CCF Flying Experience

Twenty cadets from Bloxwich Academy Combined Cadet Force participated in their fly experience days at RAF Cosford in September.

The day consisted of learning basic parachute drills and how to escape the plane in the event of an emergency. This was further complemented with a 30-minute flight in a Grob G 115 tutor aircraft where the cadets were allowed to take control and fly the aircraft. Some of the cadets took the opportunity to perform some aerial stunts and manoeuvres to enhance the day’s experience.

Even though there were a couple of sick bags and grey faces I think everyone who flew had a great time.


Harvest Festival

Year 2 led a fantastic Harvest Festival assembly for the school and their parents on Friday 4th October 2019.

Through words and song, the children explained the importance of Harvest perfectly. We would like to thank parents for their attendance and generous donations.

Contact Info

Secondary School
Leamore Lane
Bloxwich, Walsall
West Midlands

T: 01922 710 257

Secondary SENDCo – Mrs Bensley

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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