Farm on Wheels

Early Years had a wonderful memorable day as part of their topic learning all about farm animals.  'Farm on wheels' were invited in to share some of their amazing small animals with us. The children listened to a talk all about caring for animals and they explored the question "Do cow's drink milk?" The children were enthralled throughout and were a credit to Bloxwich Academy (Primary) with their listening skills and their impeccable behaviour.

Well done children! What a super day we had!

Volunteers packing donation boxes

Local Community Donation Day

Bloxwich Academy CCF is proud to run Local Community Donation Day in support of the Beechdale Community Shop. You can bring donations in as soon as you want to but the last day for donations will be Wednesday 26th May 2021. Bring donated items to Mr Hall’s room (120). All donations are greatly received.

Why donate?

  1. We live in a low income area.
  2. Families have lost family support due to covid-19.
  3. The furlough scheme is due to end soon.
  4. Working families may have had a reduction in income due to the pandemic.
  5. Senior citizens struggle to pay their bills.

Are there any rules?

  • Please don’t donate food out of date or close to being out of date.
  • No electrical items.
  • Clothing/bedding should be useable and washed.
  • Toys/board games should be complete sets and sealed with tape.

What should I donate?

Primary Uniform

School Uniform


A reminder that all children are expected to wear the correct school uniform and to adhere to the school guidelines. Uniform is an important part of a school’s identity. It reinforces who we are as a community and helps allow students to feel pride in their school. It also ensures students are not put under any pressure because of the type of clothes they wear and all are treated equally.

It would be fair to say that, over the last academic year, uniform compliance has slipped. Understandably, as the nation went in and out of lockdown, it was difficult for parents to know whether children were going to be in school and in need of a uniform, and as we came back to school full time, uniform demand increased and existing school clothes would have no longer fit our pupils.

We have used our discretion since returning to full time education however we currently we have a number of interpretations and misconceptions of what is and is not acceptable uniform. We believe it is time to clarify our expectations for children and parents; our uniform policy is as follows:

· Black Jumper or Cardigan

· Black Zip Up Fleece for Outside (Optional)

· White Polo Shirt

· Plain Black Trousers or Black Skirt (No Leggings or Jeans)

· Plain Black Shoes (No Identifying Marks)

· Black or White Socks

· Black Small Bow or Band for the Hair (If Required)

· Hair neat and, if long, tied back.

· Extreme Hairstyles: Mohicans, Tram-Lines and Carvings are not permitted.

PE Kit

  • Plain Black Jogging Bottoms
  • Plain White T-Shirt or Polo Shirt
  • Plain Black Sweatshirt (for outdoor use)
  • Black/White Socks
  • Plain Black or White Trainers (for outdoor use)
  • Plain Black Pumps (for indoor PE - Left in School)
  • Earrings Removed (and left at home)
  • Optional Plain Black Rain Mac (for outdoor PE)

In essence, we need to support you in buying affordable, good quality clothing for school which your children accept they have to wear because the rules are very clear. We want to make it easier for parents and help reduce any issues there may be over what is and isn’t acceptable uniform and believe that this guidance does that, and also gives you lots of choice over possible suppliers. Please make sure uniform is plain black and there are no visible logos.

Children will be allowed to wear their PE kit on the days that they have PE lessons. Please ensure that all of your child’s uniform is labelled so that any mislaid items can be returned to them quickly.

Thank you in advance for your support and co-operation in this matter.

Bloxwich Nursery Eggs0003

Nursery Chicks

We have had an exciting delivery of eggs that we are hoping will hatch into yellow, fluffy chicks for us to care for. When the chicks are eight days old, they will return to the farm where they were laid. 

Keeping them warm

The Process


Vikings and Anglo-Saxons

Since returning to school after the Easter holidays, Year 4 have been learning all about the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons. During our memorable experience day, the children created some spectacular Viking longship silhouettes using different medias of art: watercolours, paper and card. We then spent the afternoon making and testing our craft boats.

In our afternoon lessons, we have looked at the daily life of an Anglo-Saxon villager. We now know what they used to eat and drink, wear, who they worshipped and who used to rule over them. During our Design & Technology lessons, we made Saxon medallions out of clay – using specific tools to carve the design.

In maths, we have been recapping place value. We have spent some time looking at ordering, comparing and partitioning numbers. In our writing lessons, we have been spending a lot of time looking at diary entries and working on all the skills required for one. We can’t wait to share our end products on the newsletter in a few weeks.

It has been a fantastic start to the term Year 4 – especially for Mr Watters who has really enjoyed his first two weeks with you. Keep up the fantastic work.

Mr Watters & Mr Baugh


Virtual Progress Evening Help

Virtual Progress Evenings Help

You can access the online parents evening booking system HERE.

Please contact the Academy if you have not received your personalised login details.

Please see below for video tutorials on using the booking system and attending appointments.

Contact Info

Secondary School
Leamore Lane
Bloxwich, Walsall
West Midlands

T: 01922 710 257

Secondary SENDCo – Mrs Bensley

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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