
Friends of Bloxwich

We hope you will enjoy reading out what we have planned for the children of Bloxwich Academy Primary and will be inspired to get involved yourself.

Currently, the elected members are:

Chair: Rebecca Williams

Joint Secretary: Amy Williams & Sarah Gooch

Treasurer: Stephanie Millard

Friends of Bloxwich, or FOB for short, are a group of parents and carers from the local community who meet throughout the academic year to organise various events to support an enhanced curriculum for the pupils. As well as raising money, FOB brings together parents, family members, staff and friends in support of our school and is an opportunity for family members to become involved in our children’s education. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer and getting involved, please drop us an email:

Halloween Disco

We are excited to see the return of the annual Halloween Disco to be held in the upper hall at Bloxwich Academy Primary. There will be two events held on Friday 22nd October; a session for Keystage 1 children (Years 1 & 2) from 3.30pm-4.15pm, and another for Keystage 2 children (Years 3-6) from 4.30pm-5.30pm. Tickets will be on sale within the academy grounds during week commencing 11th October and are priced at £1.00 each. We know how much the children love dressing up and having fun with their friends, and we cannot wait to see their amazing outfits! There will be a prize during each session for the spookiest outfit, and all children will also receive a small bag of sweets to take home with them.

Christmas Fayre

Although we are still in the process of finalising the specific details, we are thrilled to confirm that we will be holding a Christmas Fayre at Bloxwich Academy Primary on Friday 17th December. Please keep an eye out for further details after half term!

Year 11-2

Year 11 Campus Experience Day

On Wednesday 6th October, 30 Year 11 pupils attended The University of Wolverhampton’s Campus Experience Day organised by ‘Aspire to HE’.

During this visit, pupils completed a workshop looking at making informed decisions. This was an interactive and engaging session that helped the pupils to understand why it is important to make informed decisions and what process they can follow to make the right decisions for them. Pupils left this session feeling enthused, positive and prepared to step outside of their comfort zone and tackle each decision they may encounter.


Good to be Green

Good to be green was back with a bang and all of the young people were able to take part in fun activities such as archery and fencing.  

There is now a board outside Miss Northalls office with all of the activities going on around the school displayed for everyone to see.


Reading at Bloxwich Academy

Bloxwich Academy have celebrated the love of reading in many ways.

Firstly, we have introduced a new reading scheme called ‘Accelerated Reading’. Your child brings home a reading book every day and they take a test after every book, which checks your child’s understanding of different vocabulary and their book. This has been a fantastic success. The children have loved to celebrate changing their books, they have loved choosing a new book and they have loved reading at home with their parent/guardian.

We are so pleased that our parents/ guardians have supported their children to develop their love of reading. You have listened to your children read, you have offered encouragement and positivity when your child has read well, and you have challenged your child and checked their understanding of certain vocabulary throughout their book.

Thank you to all our pupils for their amazing reading this term.


Free School Meals – Census Day

We have to provide information to the Department for Education (DfE), which dictates how much funding the school receives. As you know, the more funding we receive, the better provision we can provide for your children.

One of the key funding categories is how many children take up Universal Free School Meals (UFSM) on census day. All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free meal (hot dinner or sandwich) every day. Some parents choose not to take this offer and supply their children with a packed lunch.  We always try to ensure that on census day one of the more popular meal choices is available. On this day, we have a themed dinner day the ‘American Diner’ and as a result our menu has changed to hot dogs, burgers (vegetarian option available), fries and donuts, but remember there is also the school sandwich option you can order which is also very popular for many children.

We would like your help to try and encourage your child to take up the UFSM offer and if at all possible, test it out next Thursday.


Turing Scheme 2022

Matrix Academy Trust can proudly announce that we have been successful in two bids for the new Turing Scheme. We will therefore be able to offer experiences across all five Matrix secondary schools for 100 pupils to go abroad to experience life in Spain or Germany in 2022. The Turing Scheme replaces the Erasmus project, which, for many years, has supported pupils to travel, learn and study internationally.

We will shortly be opening applications for 10 Year 8 pupils to apply to go on the Turing Germany project and a further 10 Year 9 pupils to apply to go on the Turing Spain project. Our projects are planned to take place in Fulda near Frankfurt in Germany and the Costa Del Sol in Spain.

For the successful applicants this will be a life-changing opportunity: the chance to travel internationally, working alongside other pupils from the Matrix Academy Trust schools and meeting German or Spanish pupils. Pupils taking part will also take part in pre-mobility work between schools to learn about the host countries culture, language, food, schools and ways of life.


Welcome Back!

First and foremost, welcome back! I must say, for the first time in a long while, life felt somewhat normal during the summer holidays, and it was lovely being able to meet up with friends and family. I was lucky enough to spend some time on the beach in Wales, and probably enjoyed a few too many ice-creams in the process! It has been wonderful coming back into school and hearing about all the fun and exciting things the children have been up to over the holidays; it sounds like you have made the most of the summer break.

Secondly, I need to tell you how incredible impressed I am with how brilliantly the children have been upon returning to school. Honestly, they have come back to school with such a fantastic attitude and so well behaved; it is wonderful to see that they have such high expectations for themselves, and a determination to be the best they can be. As parents, you really should be proud.

As you are aware, this year we have decided to name our classes after peaks and mountains starting at Roseberry, a distinctive hill in North Yorkshire, and ending at Snowdon and Ben Nevis, the two tallest peaks in the UK. The idea behind this was to symbolise to children how they achieve greater feats as they grow through the school, and that although the challenges become harder, the rewards become so much richer. We want children to believe in their own abilities; every mountain top is within reach if you just keep climbing, and the best view comes after the hardest climb.

This year we have been fortunate enough to employ an additional teacher for each year group, allowing us to take children into smaller groups for more focused teaching. Children have been so warm and welcoming to our new staff members, and have taken to this new way of learning brilliantly.

Something else that is new for this academic year is our Jobs Board. At Bloxwich Academy Primary, we want to offer children the opportunity to not only develop educationally, but also socially. We want to instil a sense of responsibility and purpose, helping our older children to become well rounded citizens as they grow in maturity. The Jobs Board contains roles within the school community that they can apply for such as lunchtime monitor, librarian or playground buddy. The response from children has been unprecedented, and it is great to see such enthusiasm.

Most of you will have now received letters advising of the extra-curricular clubs and activities we have planned for this term for our different year groups. Places are limited therefore we ask that you return consent slips as soon as possible. We also have an array of Good to be Green events taking place over the coming weeks; please make sure you have returned your child’s consent slip so that they can take part.

During this first week back, children have been participating in a range of memorable experiences linked to the topics they will be learning about this term. Teachers have really enjoyed creating these activities for your children, and have taken plenty of pictures which can be found further along in the newsletter. I hope you enjoy reading about their experiences as much as the children enjoyed taking part.

Thank you for your continued support and your hard work over the holidays, ensuring the children returned with such positive enthusiasm. Take care and enjoy your weekend!

Ms. S. Shepherd


Fantastic Results: Year 11 & 13

Another excellent set of results for Years 11 & 13 at Bloxwich Academy.  We have continued to increase the proportion of pupils who excel within English, Maths, Sciences, and other key academic subjects at GCSE and A-level.

Mr S. Martin, Assistant Headteacher, stated “I am absolutely delighted with the fantastic grades achieved by our pupils at Bloxwich Academy.  They have worked so hard throughout their time with us, and thoroughly deserve their success today.
The outcomes achieved by our pupils has led to an increasing number staying on at our sixth form.  This, along with our excellent outcomes in both A-level and level 3 vocational subjects, has ensured that a greater number of our students access the best universities in the country.  I am incredibly proud of them all.”

Mr A. Seager, Headteacher, stated “The brilliant results are a testament to the dedication and efforts of our pupils, parents and staff.  I am delighted to see so many of our pupils meet the entry requirements to gain a place at our sixth form.  I look forward to working with them in the future in order to help them be the best that they can be!

Sixth Form
Sixth Form
Sixth Form
Sixth Form

Science Summer Activities

We have had a magnificent year in Science. The whole academy was involved in planting daffodil bulbs around the school grounds, and it was wonderful seeing them grow and bloom.

We held an engaging whole school topic around endangered animals, and this allowed the children to talk about current events and issues sounding real life problems in society. All the children found out about the reason why animals are endangered and how these events impact on the environment.  

If you have a love for science, why not have a look at these websites to find out some fun summer science activities.  Please take pictures of any fun experiments, nature walks or science related activities that you have completed and share them with me in September. I’m looking forward to seeing what interesting things you find out. 

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Contact Info

Secondary School
Leamore Lane
Bloxwich, Walsall
West Midlands

T: 01922 710 257

Secondary SENDCo – Mrs Bensley

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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