
Virtual Learning Success

Virtual learning has been taken to new heights this week with the Early Years team engaging in virtual phonics lessons. Children and parents loved joining in with Fred fingers for spelling and Fred talk for using sounds to read words correctly. It was great to see so many people joining in.

The children and parents were able to join teams for live lessons despite the children not being in school. It was a fantastic sight to see and everyone had lots of fun learning. Remember, if you need to get on teams for remote learning, please see the video on the school website to support you. 

How to access teams – https://bloxwichacademy.co.uk/teams/ 


Children In Need

On Friday 13th November 2020, Bloxwich Academy (primary) will be supporting the Children in Need event. Children can come into school wearing their own clothes. You can wear spots, stripes, patterns – it is up to you! We are asking children to make a small donation to support the charity. The suggested donation is £1, but more or less will be put to good use by Pudsey Bear, I’m sure. 

Throughout the day, we will be finding out about Children in Need and taking part in related activities. One of these activities will be taking part in Joe Wick’s PE livestream. If you are at home on Friday, you can still take part by going to the BBC website: https://www.bbcchildreninneed.co.uk/. For children at home, there will be activities uploaded on Microsoft Teams for you to enjoy. If you are having any issues with Microsoft Teams, there is a support video on the website to help: https://bloxwichacademy.co.uk/teams/

We’re looking forward to seeing the Children’s amazing work from both home and school.


Year 2 Alien Mystery

Something really strange happened in year 2 last week. We were just starting our new writing topic ‘The Way Back Home by Oliver Jeffers’ when some of the children noticed smoke and flashing lights outside the classroom. We were so shocked, but we decided as a class to investigate what was going on. Then, we saw a bright, green alien pop up from out of nowhere. The alien looked like it was lost and started running around the field (it was even chasing Mrs Shepherd).  

After the alien disappeared, we decided to go outside and see what was going on for ourselves. We were amazed to see an alien spaceship. We couldn’t get too close to the scene because it was taped off. Smoke was coming out of the tunnel, which was illuminated by flashing lights. It was so mysterious. There were 2 alien-looking robots guarding the crash site. In the distance, we could see a spaceship and test tubes next to the tree.  

Year 1 arrived outside to help us solve the mystery. We decided it was best to write about what happened in our writing books – so we had some evidence. When we were finished writing, we went back outside to gather some more information. We couldn’t believe our eyes when we saw that the alien ship had vanished! We couldn’t see a single piece of evidence. Where did the alien go? Did it go back home? Did somebody take it? We will keep reading about the alien and we will post our findings soon on the website.


Happy Halloween!

In Nursery this week, we have been exploring lots of Halloween themed activities. We have been reading Meg and Mog as a class and acted out the story. You can find the story on YouTube if you would like to read it with your child https://youtu.be/NFcXxjdoN4I 

In our tuft spot, we have had lots of fun making potions and turning our friends into mice. We have been chanting ‘bubble, bubble, bubble’, like Meg (whilst mixing our ingredients together). In our creative area, we have been decorating pumpkins using different textures: tissue paper, feathers, paint and orange lentils. We have been having lots of fun singing and dancing to music on the interactive screen. The children have enjoyed dressing up as witches, wizards and bats. They then acted out their experiences.   


Class Spotlight – Year 2

This week, year 2 have been learning all about Geography. The children have been looking at maps and aerial photographs of the local area and identified key features. We have been learning about different map symbols and why they could help us when we look at a map. During this topic, the children have found it interesting to see a bird’s eye view of the local area. They were spotting local parks, shops and familiar roads. 

Mr Watters 

They have been using Google Earth to locate their own houses and they have found it interesting to see parks, ponds and other areas around them they wouldn’t normally see from looking on the street. Year 2 also looked at a plan of the school and were able to identify where each of the classes are on the map.  

This week, we have started learning about addition and subtraction in maths. We have been using our knowledge of place value to answer some tricky problems. We have also been using counters and different materials to help us count forwards and backwards.In writing this term, we are learning about poetry. We have been looking at different poems about the sea and have started to create some of our own. Last week, we created actions for the poems and made it into a performance. We will be creating our own poems next week, which will go on display outside our classrooms. The children can’t wait to write their own poems!

Mrs Watkins 


Care home project!

In such unprecedented times, community spirit and care is vitally important. Ensuring that we stay connected and offer thanks to those who play a vital role in keeping our communities thriving. Bloxwich Academy joyfully accepted the request from local MP Eddie Hughes, to offer support and positivity to the residents and staff in our North Walsall care homes.
Primary and secondary pupils currently attending the academy during the lockdown period joined creative forces and produced beautiful heart-shaped bunting, colourful craft flowers, as well as pictures and letters to send our well wishes and lift spirits during this difficult time. The process encouraged pupils to reflect on the feelings of others and the importance of key workers in our community. Most importantly, recognizing that a
small gesture can mean so much to others.

It was lovely to hear that the efforts of our pupils were greatly appreciated
by staff and residents at Woodcross Care Home in Bloxwich, noted with a
kind thank you from Eddie Hughes MP (North Walsall).

“Thank you to all staff and pupils involved, hopefully, your great work will help lift the spirits of residents and staff at Woodcross. Best wishes, Eddie”.


VE Day 2020

What is VE Day?

VE Day – or ‘Victory in Europe Day’ – marks the day towards the end of World War Two (WW2) when fighting against Nazi Germany in Europe came to an end. On 8 May 1945, Prime Minister Winston Churchill made an announcement on the radio at 3pm that the war in Europe had come to an end, following Germany’s surrender the day before.

Articles and videos about VE Day here: https://bbc.in/3hUrvbn

To commemorate the 75th anniversary of VE Day we asked you to get
creative and we weren’t disappointed with the outcomes. As well as
some great artwork, our Bloxwich Academy CCF shared a message to
all key workers.


Reach for the Stars

Bloxwich Primary staff have been having a sing and a dance and have an important video message to share with the children!

Keep reaching for the stars!


Even more online lessons!

The BBC and the government have put together daily lessons for children across the UK. If you have finished the work we have set or you fancy something different, take a look.

Oak National Academy

I’m very pleased to welcome Oak National Academy, a new online classroom and resource hub, which has launched to support teachers until schools re-open. The online classroom will provide free lessons and resources for pupils from reception through to year 10. All resources, lessons and more information can be accessed here

As part of a collective response to the crisis, 40 teachers will be producing over 180 free online lessons each week, which will cover a range of subjects from English and maths to arts and languages.

BBC Bitesize 

This week the BBC is launching its own education package as part of their Charter across TV and online – helping to keep children learning and supporting parents. You can find more information about this here

The key difference between the BBC offer and the Oak National Academy is that the Academy is a planned and sequenced series of lessons for schools and trusts to use as part of their planned curriculum offer. Whereas the BBC offer is aimed more at parents and pupils.

Please note that we are not responsible for any of this content. If there are any technical issues, please contact the BBC or Oak Academy directly. We have found that the Oak Academy videos work best on Internet Explorer (the sound doesn’t always work on Chrome, but we are sure they will be ironing out these teething issues moving forward).


MP Easter Egg Competition

Eddie Hughes, Member of Parliament for Walsall North is running an Easter Egg Competition! Get entering and don’t forget to be creative. There will be a prize for the winner! Good Luck.

Download the template here: bit.ly/2wgxUL1

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Secondary School
Leamore Lane
Bloxwich, Walsall
West Midlands

T: 01922 710 257

Secondary SENDCo – Mrs Bensley

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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