To kickstart the Summer term, the students at Bloxwich Academy had a memorable experience day on Monday. Throughout the day, we took part in many activities and had a lot of fun doing so. You might have seen some of the different activities Year 1, Year 3 and Year 5 were doing in the newsletter. Below is a summary of what Year 2, Year 4 and Year 6 were doing during the day.
Year 2
What an amazing start to the beginning of the summer term!
Year 2 had the most amazing day learning to be florists, gardeners and woodland explorers! The children had a fantastic time. Everyone had the opportunity to make a flower posy using the most beautiful roses, spray carnations and chrysanthemums! Lots of the children are natural florists and gardeners.
We are just beginning our adventure and will be planting sweet peas, herbs and many other wonderful flowers and vegetables to use on our pizzas at the end of the term. We have even designed and are planning to build a couple of amazing scarecrows to keep the wonderful plants we are growing safe. Watch this space for more exciting gardening adventures.
Year 4
For our memorable experience day, Year 4 spent some time learning about who the Vikings were and what they are famous for. We started the day creating some fantastic Viking silhouette pictures. We used watercolour paints for our sunsets and then cut out longboats to place on top. We think they look absolutely amazing.
In the afternoon, the children were tasked with a challenge of making boats that could float on water. They had access to a range of materials: plastic, paper, wood and foam. The children were really inventive and came up with some brilliant ideas. We then tested our boats on water to see if they would float or sink.
Year 6
On the first day back after the Easter holidays, Year 6 completed an amazing Victorian day. The children roleplayed what it would like to be at school during the Victorian era and how different this would be do their normal day to day lives. They started by learning how to bow and curtesy and used this to respond to the register before completing the three Rs of Victorian teaching, reading, writing and arithmetic. In the afternoon, the boys completed some technical drawing whilst the girls completed some weaving using paper.
The children really enjoyed the entire day, and this will lead perfectly into the rest of their topic.