At Bloxwich Academy our intent is to develop the enjoyment of music for all pupils. Pupils will develop a love of music, respecting all genres. They will express opinions about music and develop their creativity and develop their confidence when performing.

At Bloxwich Academy our intent is to develop the enjoyment of music for all pupils. Pupils will develop a love of music, respecting all genres. They will express opinions about music and develop their creativity and develop their confidence when performing.
Pupils in EYFS will be able to sing familiar nursery rhymes (with or without support).
All pupils in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 will sing and play an instrument (glockenspiel and/or recorder) during the year.
In addition to this, some pupils in Key Stage 2 will have the opportunity to play a brass instrument.
Behaviour & Attitude
The music scheme of work is inclusive and therefore all pupils should take part. Pupils should demonstrate excellent listening skills and perform tasks to the best of their ability. Pupils should be encouraged to express opinions; however they must do this in a thoughtful and respectful way. They must show respect when listening to music performances of others, including their peers and also treat all musical instruments with care and respect.
The National Curriculum for Music states -
In Years 1 and 2 pupils should be taught to:
- use their voices expressively and creatively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes.
- play tuned and untuned instruments musically.
- listen with concentration and understanding to a range of high-quality live and recorded music.
- experiment with, create, select and combine sounds using the interrelated dimensions of music (see diagram below).
In Years 3 to 6 pupils should be taught to:
Pupils should be taught to:
- play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts, using their voices and playing musical instruments with increasing accuracy, fluency, control and expression.
- improvise and compose music for a range of purposes using the interrelated dimensions of music (see diagram below).
- listen with attention to detail and recall sounds with increasing aural memory.
- use and understand staff and other musical notations.
- appreciate and understand a wide range of high-quality live and recorded music drawn from different traditions and from great composers and musicians.
- develop an understanding of the history of music.
At Bloxwich Academy we teach Music through the Charanga Music School. This is an online resource which can be used by music specialists and non-music
specialists alike. It is an interactive program with many linked resources to cover the wide breadth of knowledge and skills that need to be taught.
Within most lessons pupils will follow a specific pattern of knowledge and skill development which includes:
- Listening to and appraising a piece of music
- Finding the pulse and rhythm
- Singing
- Playing an instrumental part
- Improvising
- Composing
- Performing
Learning Points
Year 1 pupils will have an appreciation for a wide range of music, spanning different genres and periods in history. Pupils will begin to have a basic understanding of how pulse, rhythm and pitch work together to form a piece of music. They will be introduced to vocabulary within music and evaluative language to enable them to develop their personal responses. Pupils will understand that it is instruments that bring music to life. They will know the sounds some instruments make. Pupils will understand that voices are also a key instrument in music.
Year 2 pupils will have an appreciation for a wide range of music, spanning different genres and periods in history. Pupils will have a basic understanding of how pulse, rhythm and pitch work together to form a piece of music. They will use some of the vocabulary within music to give a simple response to the music they hear and begin to use simple evaluative language to talk about the music they have made. Pupils will understand that it is instruments that bring music to life. They will know the sounds some instruments make and begin to identify them in music they hear.
Year 3 pupils will have an appreciation for a wide range of music, spanning different genres and periods in history. Pupils will have an understanding of how pulse, rhythm and pitch work together to form a piece of music and that these ideas can be recorded as graphic or pictorial notations. Pupils will begin to understand how music can be split into two parts when we sing which blend together. They will know the sounds some instruments make and identify some of them in music they hear. They will use some of the vocabulary within music to give a response to the music they hear and use some evaluative language to talk about the music they have made.
Year 4 pupils will have an appreciation for a wide range of music, spanning different genres and periods in history. Pupils will have a better understanding of how pulse, rhythm and pitch work together to form a piece of music. They will understand what each dimension adds to the music and that these ideas can be recorded as graphic or pictorial notations. Pupils will understand how music can be split into two parts when we sing which blend together. They will know the sounds many instruments make and identify some of them in music they hear. They will use music vocabulary to give a response to the music they hear and use evaluative language to talk about the music they have made.
Year 5 pupils will have an appreciation for a wide range of music, spanning different genres and periods in history. Pupils will have a growing knowledge and understanding of musical characteristics and styles. They will have a good understanding of how the musical dimensions (pulse, rhythm, pitch, dynamics, tempo and texture) work together to form a piece of music. They will understand what each dimension adds to the music and how these ideas can be recorded as graphic or pictorial notations. Pupils will be able to create their own melodies, considering some of these dimensions. They will use a growing music vocabulary to give a response to the music they hear and give a more detailed evaluation of the music they have made.
Year 6 pupils will have an appreciation for a wide range of music, spanning different genres and periods in history. Pupils will have a secure knowledge and understanding of musical characteristics and styles. They will have a secure understanding of how the musical dimensions (pulse, rhythm, pitch, dynamics, tempo, texture and timbre) work together to form a piece of music. They will understand what each dimension adds to the music and how these ideas can be recorded as graphic or pictorial notations. Pupils will be able to create their own melodies, considering most of these dimensions. They will use a secure music vocabulary to give a response to the music they hear and give a detailed evaluation of the music they have made.
Useful Links
Information about Charanga music school
Information about Yumu for home learning
Statutory guidance for the teaching of Music from the Department for Education
Yumu is part of our Charanga online music package intended for independent student use whether at home or school. It is a safe online space where children can go to learn, explore and develop playing and musicianship skills. Just ask your child’s teacher for log-in details.