
Potentially Dangerous App – Unico

West Midlands Police has been made aware of an App called “UNICO LIVE”.  The app is publicised as age-restricted 12+ and designed for young people to upload videos of them performing, singing and dancing etc. It has come to our attention that there is inappropriate content on the platform involving young people which is being investigated.

The content does not appear to be monitored and we urge you to raise awareness widely to increase vigilance and reduce the likelihood of any child being sexually exploited. Please discuss at the earliest opportunity with your family.


Year 5 Farm Visit

Last week, 5RW travelled down to Wick Court farm in Gloucester. Once we arrived, we were given our first jobs straight away. Group 1 had to walk over 2 fields at 7pm to feed the cows! Over the course of the week, the children and staff all carried out different tasks on the farm: feeding the animals, picking plums, planting trees, cleaning out the stables and cooking food. 

On the last day of the trip, the children had the opportunity to choose their activity for the afternoon. Some children went searching in the woods for materials to build dens, others chose to stay in the warm to weave and some decided to build crowns out of woodland objects. The staff at Wick Court were sad to see us go and told Mr Watters how fantastic and well behaved the children were. 

5RW had a fantastic week on the farm and we can’t wait to hear about 5RB’s trip in March!

What an exciting week we’ve had. Posing with the horses this morning.

Today we’ve been cooking!

A beautiful frosty morning today on the farm! A busy day filled with lots of jobs!

Fun on the farm! Look at those happy faces! It’s been a rather muddy journey today!

Now we know why they said ankle wellies wouldn’t be okay!

This morning, one group has gone out bright and early to pet, feed and clean out the beautiful horses.


Y5 are up bright and early to start the day! Which group will be catching the pigs today?

Year 5 Wick Court – An early rise for breakfast this morning!


Our favourite activity was catching and weighing pigs with the farmers!


We’ve fed geese, ducks and even looked after sheep!


It’s a special day – we’re having a birthday party tonight

The Y5 children have arrived at Wick Court. They’ve had dinner, have unpacked and some have already been out feeding chickens!


We’ll upload a picture daily and a short message to inform parents what we’re up to!


Christmas Lunch Menu

On Wednesday 11th December, children are invited to have a traditional Christmas dinner during lunchtime. The options available are as below.

To ensure we can meet demand orders will be taken during registration on Wednesday 4th December 2019.


National Christmas Jumper Day

As part of our continued fundraising activities, pupils and staff will have the opportunity to dig out their favourite festive jumper to support Save the Children.

Due to the Key Stage 2 theatre trip, we will hold our Christmas Jumper Day slightly early on Thursday 12th December. All pupils are invited to wear a Christmas themed jumper in addition to their usual school uniform in return for a donation on £1.00.

A prize will be on offer for the most ‘Christmassy’ jumper, and we hope that this day will bring some festive cheer, as well as raising money to help children who are in need.

We look forward to seeing some of the entries; please ensure that school uniform is worn underneath the jumper.


The New House System


The House System

Bloxwich Academy Primary

Children at Bloxwich Academy Primary have taken ownership of the new house system. Four new mascots have been chosen to represent each team. Voting took place across the school, with every child completing a ballot slip. After a tense wait, votes were counted and children found out the results:

| Brindley Bears | Stephenson Sharks | Telford Tigers | Watt Wolves |

Whilst this was all taking place, school council met and discussed how housepoints should be awarded. After a very thorough debate, children made the final decision that housepoints should be awarded for a variety of things, including fantastic work, awesome behaviour and for following the Bloxwich values.

Children across the school are now working hard to make their own valued contribution to the weekly team's score; collecting as many points as they can before the winning team is announced in assembly.


We Are Social!

We are happy to launch the brand new Bloxwich Academy website. We hope this makes communication between school, parents and pupils easier and more effective.  Our website is updated on a weekly basis so please use this to stay up to date with everything going on around school. Our school letters will be uploaded onto the website so you can stay informed along with regular news and event details.

Along with the new website launch, we have also joined some new social media platforms so we can really shout about the successes of everyday life at Bloxwich Academy, please take a few moments to follow us on the following platforms.

We would also like to introduce our new weekly news section of the website that will showcase what the children are doing in class, provide them with weekly challenges and keep you updated with upcoming event dates.  This will replace the Bloxwich Bugle and the new section will become Bloxwich Beats – the beating heart of Bloxwich Primary.

We hope these updates will help with the continuing growth of Bloxwich Academy and always striving to ‘be the best we can be’.

Training Day

Staff Training Day

Reminder – We will be closed to pupils on Friday 29th November 2019 for a staff training day.


Year 6 Remembrance Assembly

Our Year 6 pupils held their Remembrance assembly last week in memory of all those who were lost and fought in the war. The children read out poems and shared what they had learnt about the different coloured Poppy’s and what they signify they then played ‘The Last Post’ to signal the start of our two-minute silence. We are very proud of all our pupils who showed great respect during the assembly.


Half Term Halloween

We have collated a range of resources to keep you occupied this half term.
Take a look through some of our favourites and share your creations with us on Twitter: @bloxwichacademy.

Edible BroomsticksDownload HERE
Gingerbread SkeletonsDownload HERE
Spider Chocolate Crispy CakesDownload HERE
Halloween Counting ActivityDownload HERE
Gruesome Halloween BoxesDownload HERE
Halloween Poetry ShapesDownload HERE
Halloween PuzzlesDownload HERE
Halloween Word SearchDownload HERE
Spooky Scavenger HuntDownload HERE
3D Paper WitchesDownload HERE
Bottle Top SpidersDownload HERE
Make a Magic WandDownload HERE
Paper Plate Spider WebDownload HERE
Werewolf Monster MaskDownload HERE
Halloween BuntingDownload HERE
Halloween CostumesDownload HERE
Halloween Colouring 1Download HERE
Halloween Colouring 2Download HERE

Harvest Festival

Year 2 led a fantastic Harvest Festival assembly for the school and their parents on Friday 4th October 2019.

Through words and song, the children explained the importance of Harvest perfectly. We would like to thank parents for their attendance and generous donations.

Recent Primary News

Recent Secondary News

Contact Info

Secondary School
Leamore Lane
Bloxwich, Walsall
West Midlands

T: 01922 710 257

Secondary SENDCo – Mrs Bensley

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

Copyright 2024 © All Rights Reserved
