
Poppy Appeal - Cadets

Cadets from both Bloxwich Academy RAF and 196 Squadron Air Training Corps have been assisting the Royal British Legion Bloxwich Branch with this years annual Poppy collection. The Cadets professionalism, turnout and public engagement was recognised by an Asda mystery customer who had nothing but compliments for the teams out on the ground. Over the next two weekends, and on Armistice Sunday (12/11/23) the cadets are on the high street. Please come and visit them.


Halloween Spooktacular Bistro

The bistro ladies have done it again with a fabulous lunch time menu of Halloween treats today! Bloxwich Academy would like to wish everyone a Happy Halloween and half term break.


Salem Witch Trials

This week year 9 have completed their study of The Crucible with the task of figuring out which of their English teachers is a secret witch. They've used daily clues to narrow it down and today it was revealed! They’ve learnt all about false accusation, hysteria and that they should not believe everything they hear. 

Let's hope they don’t insist that Miss Cook is given the same punishment as john Proctor...


Black History Month

Throughout October we have celebrated Black History Month. Elements of Black history appear in curriculums and topics throughout the year in subject areas at Bloxwich Academy, particularly in Humanities, Art and English. However, we further celebrated this month with a focus on learning activities in and outside of the classroom for all subject areas, including a special canteen menu of traditional dishes such as jollof rice, spiced sweet potato, jerk chicken and fried dumplings. Pupils received an assembly to mark the event, as well as a PSHE session on key female figures for the theme of ‘Saluting our Sisters’. Pupils explored key female figures in History, and explored the current movers and shakers today, with pupils voting for their favourite role model linked to Bloxwich values. The majority vote went to rapper Little Simz for her promotion of female equality. Her powerful acceptance speech outlining that she is “living proof that if you work hard at something, no matter where you come from, your background, your race, you can be something extraordinary” really resonated with pupils. 


Success at West Midlands Cross Country Trials

Celebrating 'Being the best you can be'!! On the 14th of November Tianna Friend ran in the West Midlands cross country trials at Himley Hall.  The event included athletes across the West Midlands schools to compete from year 7 to 11.  Tiana ran in the Junior girls race set over a 2.3 km course with hills and mud.  She finished a fantastic 5th in 12 minutes 16 seconds securing selection to compete for West Midland's Schools in November. Well done Tiana!

Tiana will join other talented athletes in The Dave Sunderland Schools Inter counties event which means she will compete against the best athletes from  Cheshire, Warwickshire, Staffordshire, Herefordshire, Surrey, Shropshire, Merseyside and Cumbria.  A fantastic achievement to represent her school, Walsall and West Midlands.


Black History Month Bistro

Friday Bistro! Today we have celebrated Black History Month in the Bistro with a delicious menu of jerk chicken, jollof rice, spiced sweet potato, cabbage, corn bread and fried dumplings. 😋 Thank you ladies for the delicious menu, lots of filled tummies 


Science Experiments

Some fantastic Science experiments taking place this week! Year 7 have been learning about the heart and observed a heart dissection linked to how living things are organised. Year 10 investigated the nutrients in a McDonalds Egg McMuffin, an engaging element to their science GCSE work.


Revision Strategies

To support Year 11 pupils with their revision for the upcoming mock exams they have had weekly revision workshops. In these morning sessions pupils have been taught the most effective strategies for revising. The booklet below shows these strategies and includes QR codes to online videos of how best to do this.

Strategies for Revision Booklet


Year 7 Road Safety Workshop

A Fantastic performance last week for year 7 provided by StreetWise – Education in Performance!

Pupils learnt valuable lessons linked to their current PSHE topic thread ‘Health and Safety’ centred around road safety. The team gave a high energy performance with an incredibly interactive Q+A session post show.


Knife Crime Workshop

Small groups of pupils across different year groups have been given a great opportunity to meet with Walsall Street Teams to learn about the dangers of child exploitation and county lines, where children and vulnerable adults can be coerced into illegal activities. A further 45-minute first aid training session with St John's Ambulance around knife wounds and catastrophic bleeding was also provided centred on immediate response first aid. Pupils were incredibly mature and engaged in the workshop session with real intent. Thank you Street Teams and St John’s.  

Contact Info

Secondary School
Leamore Lane
Bloxwich, Walsall
West Midlands

T: 01922 710 257

Secondary SENDCo – Mrs Bensley

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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