Turing Report – Spain

On Monday 20th June, 10 students and 2 staff set out for a week’s residential trip to Barcelona. We met the other pupils from the other schools in Matrix Academy Trust at the airport, just before checking in. For some of the pupils, it was their first-time experiencing flying, but all of the pupils fully committed themselves to the experience, a trait which was repeated throughout the week.

When we arrived at Barcelona airport, we met our bus and then went to our home for the week, the Urbany Hostel. After a quick meal at Glories, the local shopping centre, we went to bed to get an early night ready for the busy week ahead.

On the next day, we braved the Barcelona Metro for the first time, which was our main mode of transport for the week. We visited a few different sites around Montjuic, including the Olympic Museum and arena for the 1992 Olympics, and the cable car up to Castell de Montjuic for some impressive views over the city. After this, we got the Port Vell Cable car across to Barceloneta Harbour (Mr Larvan was not a fan of the ride!). We then enjoyed a lovely meal on the harbourside before heading back to recharge ourselves for another busy day.

Day 3 started with a trip to Camp Nou, home of Barcelona FC, where we had a tour around their trophy room, stadium and sidelines.  From there, we headed to La Rambla, where the pupils were able to soak up the culture of one of the most famous streets in Europe. That evening, we had a movie night, watching some of the latest film releases (although pupils were pleased to hear the films were in English with Spanish subtitles!). This allowed us to mix up the schools, giving the pupils chance to get to know each other more.

Day 4 was Gaudí Day, exploring two of the most famous works of one of Spain’s most famous architects. First was a tour of the impressive Sagrada Familia, which is still unfinished 140 years after construction started. We were able to see the inside and outside of the church, marvelling at the detailed sculptures on the outside and the sunlight shining through the stained-glass windows on the inside, spreading fantastic colours through the interior. We even took a bit of time to make our own artwork, inspired by the building. We left the Sagrada Familia and after a lot of escalators, steps and hills made it to Parc Guell, where pupils were given time to explore this large fantasy-inspired park, before meeting at El Drac, a larger-than-life mosaic sculpture of a lizard. As we headed home that evening, we started to see the fireworks and bonfires being set up for the evening’s festivities, which took place all over Barcelona, including right outside our hostel, until the early hours of the morning.

After a late night, Friday started with a well-earned lie-in, before a trip to see the Barcelona aquarium and an afternoon spent relaxing on the beach, followed by another delicious meal in the harbourside.

Feeling refreshed, Saturday saw us heading to see some of the wildlife in the Barcelona Zoo, including tigers, rhinos and elephants. After a wild day, we headed back towards La Rambla for a spot of retail therapy, before heading up to see the views of the city from the Palau Nacional.

Sunday was the day that some of us had been looking forward to the most, a trip to Portaventura Theme Park, which is home to over 50 exhilarating rides, including Dragon Khan and Shambhala. After a fantastic day, we returned to Barcelona before a final evening meal together and then a morning flight (and run through the airport!) to head back home.

Every single one of the pupils represented themselves, the school and the Trust extremely well and we were so impressed by their manners, fantastic attitude and willingness to embrace new experiences, whether that was trying new food, travelling abroad or going on cable cars. We hope that we have instilled an interest in travelling and have opened the pupils’ minds to see more of the world.

Comments from parents:

“My son, has just returned from the Turing Tour to Spain and I just wanted to thank the school for this great opportunity. He has come home full of information about the places he has visited, the friends he has made, and it is so evident just how much he has enjoyed it. I also feel it has given him a confidence he did not have before”

“I would like to say a huge thank you to all the staff at the Turing Scheme for giving my son an amazing experience and for looking after him so well – you are amazing”

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Walsall Summer Holiday Activities

Welcome to our Summer Holiday Booklet which will provide you with information about the programme and activities we have on offer over the summer holiday 2022!

What is the Holiday Activity and Food (HAF) Programme?

HAF is a free and exciting holiday programme for children and young people aged 5 to 16 who are eligible for benefit related free school meals. The programme is running over Easter (1 week), summer (4 weeks) and Christmas (1 week) school holidays.

The Department of Education (DFE) has provided funding for the programme. The programme enables children to be active, to learn and to eat healthy foods and it is all FREE.

How do I know if my child is eligible?
Your child/ren will qualify if all these statements apply:
• Your child is eligible for benefit related free school meals or is a young carer or on a plan
• You live in Walsall
• Your child is between the ages 5-16yrs

How to register and book activities for the Programme?

Every eligible child will have received a letter from Walsall Council HAF programme providing them with
their unique code to register into the programme.

If you haven’t received a letter but you think your child is eligible, please email WR4C@walsall.gov.uk or call
our helpline. You will only need to register once for the HAF programme, which will provide you with access
to your account throughout the year.

Step 1: You will need your child’s unique code to register online (HAF Portal) using the following link: www.walsall.gov.uk/children_and_young_people/haf_signup

Step 2: Complete the HAF registration form with your child’s details

Step 3: Once you have registered you will receive a confirmation email


Turing Scheme 2022

Year 8 Pupils arrived in Fulda. They had a morning learning about the history of the town. Follow us on Social Media for further updates.

The Turing Scheme is the UK government’s programme to provide funding for international opportunities in education and training across the world. It supports Global Britain by providing an opportunity for UK organisations from the higher education, further education, vocational education and training and schools sectors to offer their students, learners and pupils life-changing experiences to study or work abroad.

On Sunday 19th June and Monday 20th June,  a group of Year 8 and Year 9 pupils will be boarding planes to Spain and Germany as part of the Turing Scheme international exchanges.  

Across Matrix Academy Trust, 100 pupils will have the chance to take part in two projects: one to Fulda, Germany and one to Barcelona, Spain. This opportunity is fully funded by the Turing Scheme, the UK’s scheme to encourage young people to travel overseas as part of their education. 

The pupils are very excited about their travels – follow our school social channels to keep up-to-date with what they’re up to. 

The itineraries for both projects are below – as you can see, both trips will be an action-packed week with the chance for pupils to fully immerse themselves in everything Germany and Spain have to offer. 


Bloxwich Football Academy Trials

Enrolling onto the Bloxwich Academy Football Programme will allow students to complete their education whilst having the opportunity to play football at a competitive level.

Students will undertake a 2 Year, Level 3 Sport qualification either Extended Certificate (worth 1 A-Level) the Diploma (2 A-Levels) or the Extended Diploma (3 A-Levels). This will be decided dependant on the other subjects studied by the student.

Students will complete internal, external and synoptic units throughout the course which will be graded in line with the specification. 

Students will train everyday either on the football pitches, in the Fitness Suite or complete hydro sessions in the swimming pool. All sessions will be run by licensed FA coaches focusing on individual, unit and team performance within games. The team will play in the British Colleges League on a Wednesday afternoon travelling around the County including Stoke and Birmingham to fulfil fixtures.

Alongside their studies they will have opportunities to:

  • Watch matches throughout the year at Premier League grounds and Wembley.
  • A European football trip has been organised to run in 2023 which will incorporate training at professional grounds and 3 matches against overseas opponents.
  • Gain a recognised refereeing qualification.
  • Gain pathways to continue their education in England or opportunities to obtain Scholarships in the USA.
  • Attend trials for semi-professional clubs.

Bloxwich Football Academy Trials will take place on Saturday 25th June, for current Year 11 students who are starting Year 12 in September.

To register your interest, please email: jhamnett@bloxwichacademy.co.uk


World Autism Acceptance Week

Pupils at Bloxwich Academy are working on ‘Autism Acceptance 2022’ in form time every day this week. Topics include ‘What is autism?’ and making pupils and staff more autism aware; through animation, a question and answer session and a quiz.

Pupils will learn about how they can help society a better place for people with autism, both within Bloxwich academy and the wider world. We strive to be an inclusive school and teach the importance of celebrating difference and understanding so we can become great citizens of the next generation.

You can read more about Autism Acceptance Week HERE.


Walsall Holiday Activity & Food Programme

The HAF programme is for children and young people aged 5 to 16 years who are eligible for benefit related free school meals. Children and young people and their families will be able to access free activities during the Easter, Summer and Christmas 2022 holidays.

The Department for Education’s (DfE) Holiday Activities and Food programme (HAF) has provided funding for the scheme.

For more information visit our website  https://go.walsall.gov.uk/children_and_young_people/haf_signup or you can email us at WR4C@walsall.gov.uk


Artstart Performance ‘Wild’

This term 91 pupils have taken part in the Artstart Project. They had the opportunity to learn from Motionhouse Theatre Company in workshops lead by performers as well as watching their performance of WILD. Pupils then created their own piece based on what they had learnt to perform in front of an audience. We are immensely proud of what 7T1, 7W1, 9A, 9B and 9C dancers created and their confidence to get up and perform after so long off stage. We can’t wait to see what these groups do in Performing Arts in the future.


Blood Brothers Theatre Trip

In November, our Year 11 English Literature pupils had the pleasure to watch Blood Brothers on Stage at the Hippodrome. Pupils had the true experience of being an active audience, enabling them to appreciate the musicality and craft behind the stage production. All pupils reflected positively on this experience, taking away key ideas regarding social inequality and injustice in society.

Since the start of the academic year, Year 10’s have indulged in a modern-prose play ‘Blood Brothers’ set in Liverpool in the 1970s. They’ve explored the plot and the dynamics of characters such as Mickey and Edward and how the author conveys them, as well as other characters in the play. They’ve gone back in time to explore how the social and political issues affected the path the two brothers took; eventually leading to their demise.


Walsall Arts for All Event

Year 9 pupils took part in the Walsall Arts for All programme, and, along with other pupils, have been working with a professional artist to create an original artwork around the theme of community cohesion and celebrating cultures.

Fourteen Walsall schools have been involved in this programme, and the participating pupils from each school were invited to attend a private exhibition of all the artworks at Darlaston Town Hall, before they are installed back at their respective schools.

Pupils were excited to finally see their hard work showcased and were honoured to open the exhibition to the public.


We’re Ofsted Rated ‘Good’

We are pleased to announce the outcome of our latest Ofsted inspection that took place on November 3rd and 4th. 

We’re delighted to inform all parents and carers that the hard work and effort over the last four years from pupils, staff and parents was recognised. The outcome of the inspection has seen Bloxwich Primary and Secondary rated as the ‘GOOD’ Academy we all know it is. 

We could not be prouder with the outcome of the inspection as all categories were awarded as good:-

  • The Quality of Education – Good
  • Behaviour and Attitudes – Good
  • Personal Development – Good
  • Leadership and Management – Good
  • Early Years provision – Good
  • Sixth-Form provision – Good

This is the first time the Academy has achieved this status and we will continue to drive our standards for your child, to obtain the outstanding grade we know we can meet.

May we thank you all for your continued support and rest assured that we will endeavour to continue to `Be The Best We Can Be’ each and every day.

A copy of the report can be found HERE.

It is a pleasure everyday welcoming your child through our doors and watching them grow and develop.

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Contact Info

Secondary School
Leamore Lane
Bloxwich, Walsall
West Midlands

T: 01922 710 257

Secondary SENDCo – Mrs Bensley

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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