The application process to become a Bloxwich Academy Prefect in 2020 is now open.
Applications are due by Friday 13th March 2020.
Have you got what it takes?
- Are you a leader?
- Are you patient with younger pupils?
- Can you listen to others?
What does the role entail?
- Working closely with Heads of House
- Supporting the Leadership Team
- Being involved in mentoring and supporting younger pupils
- Giving up your own time to support others
- Supporting Parent Evenings, younger form groups and Y6 New Intake Day
How do I apply?
- Write a letter of application (no more than one side of A4), to include: A personal history of your life at Bloxwich academy, including anyway you have contributed positively in school, your ideas on the role of a Prefect and the personal qualities you think Prefects need.
- Include the name of a teacher who will agree that they believe you are able to be responsible and trustworthy. The teacher must be asked if they will be a referee for you and place their name in your letter.
- The letter should be placed in an envelope and handed into the House offices for the attention of your Head of House by 3pm Friday 13th March 2020 and labelled with your name and form group.
What is in it for me?
- Increased self-confidence and self-esteem.
- Something of real worth to write about when you apply for College or University.
- 2 days of high-quality training.