Since returning back to school after the holidays, Nursery pupils have started reading 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'.
Last week the children took a trip to the woodland area in school in the hope to sight a bear. The children found lots of leaves and sticks unfortunately, no sign of a bear this time. The children then took their sticks to the classroom where they are now exploring a range of materials including wood, fabric, wool, plastic and paper.
Children are beginning to describe the texture of the materials they have found using fabulous adjectives. Some adjectives used are bumpy, soft, hard, crunchy, smooth and fuzzy. Next week we will be using a range of materials to create the face of a bear.
We encourage parents to continue to discuss materials at home.

In Maths the children are also working hard to recognise colours, numbers and a variety of shapes. The children are working hard to recognise their name and are starting to form recognisable letters by writing their name too! Keep up the good work Nursery we are all proud of your achievements.