This week, we received a wonderful email from a parent of one of our Reception children. Cody from our Golden Cap class has taken up a new hobby; digging for, and learning all about, discarded glass bottles from the Victorian era. Cody’s Grandad has been enjoying this past time for a number of years and he recently took Cody on one of his treasure hunts. Would you take a look at the amazing old bottles and jars they found just under the soil surface in our local area! There are some incredibly old and interesting pieces of glassware, as you can see, and the smile on Cody’s face just shows how much fun he has been having digging up the lost treasures of the past. Well done Cody – your mum is super proud of you, and we are thrilled that you have such an interesting hobby to share with your Grandad.
We think that this could be a fantastic hobby for so many young children, and is a great way to encourage them to get out and explore! If you would like to know more about how Victorian bottles and how they have come to be found in such concentrated sites, read more HERE