
Performance in Education - Streetwise

On Wednesday 9th October, Year 7 pupils were given the exciting opportunity to have a clear message about road and travel safety delivered by Performance in Education.

Their performance of “Streetwise” emersed our pupils into the story of 3 teenagers engaging in unsafe practices when walking or traveling in their community. Pupils were educated on ways to stay safe when using a phone, listening to music, crossing a road and travelling to and from locations.

As well as strategies to stay safe, pupils were also informed of the statistics relating to pedestrian incidents and the timeframes of 8:00am-9:00am and 3:00pm-5:00pm being the highest rates of injuries and deaths due to pupils walking to and from schools.

Pupils were fully engaged in the follow up workshops and were keen to show their understanding of how to stay safe. Bloxwich Academy would like to thank Performance in Education for the fantastic and informative production.


Drive 2 Arrive

On Monday 7th October, Bloxwich Academy Sixth Form students were invited to take part in the driving safety course for Drive 2 Arrive. During the day, students were educated on the pathway to driving lessons, applying for provisional licenses, booking and taking tests. They were shown how to check for the safety of a car before taking to the road.

Students were then given an opportunity to have a session with a qualified driving instructor to complete a course around the site. To develop their understanding of safety when driving, students were made aware of the laws surrounding mobile phones, speeding and also alcohol and drugs and the consequences they might face or the dangers to others because of this.

The students had a fantastic time and were commended for the attitude and participation during the day. Bloxwich Academy would like to that A*Stars Road Safety and Walsall Council for the opportunity to take part in the event.


Don't Ghost Us - Halloween Attendance

To continue to promote and reward outstanding attendance, we are running an attendance incentive! If pupils attend every day in the final week of term (21st-25th October) and 'don't ghost us', they will receive a treat on Thursday 24th October. We also want to celebrate progress and therefore, pupils in Years 8-13 with the most improved attendance this half term (compared to same period last year) AND 100% attendance in the final week will be invited to visit our hot chocolate pop up bar on Thursday 24th October - hot choc, squirty cream and marshmallows.


Alton Towers

What an amazing time we had at Alton Towers last Friday! 200 of our pupils were rewarded with a fantastic day out, and they made the most of every moment. It was a brilliant opportunity for them to be recognised for their hard work and dedication, and we couldn’t be prouder of their achievements. The day was filled with smiles, laughter, and unforgettable memories. We would love to see even more pupils on our next rewards trip, so please encourage your children to stay focused and aim high. With your support, they can achieve anything! Let’s make sure they don’t miss out on the next adventure!


Book to Film Club

Pupils in Bloxwich Academy’s Book to Film club had a visit from a few special guests this week. Staff joined the pupils reading “Goodnight Mister Tom”. Pupils and staff share the reading of the book each week. Following the special guests, pupils comments included “I really enjoyed it”, “it was great”, and “I cant wait for next week”. Each week, staff will be joining the Book to Film Club. It runs on a Tuesday and Thursday from 3:10pm-4:00pm


Macmillan Cake Sale

Bloxwich Academy held their annual Macmillan Cake Sale on Thursday 26th September. Staff kindly supplied the cakes, with Sixth Form pupils offering to support with the sale.   Bloxwich Academy do this to support Macmillan and make a valuable contribution to a charity that works to support millions of families across the country. Pupils came at break time to support the event and we were able to raise £408.12 for a fantastic Charity.

Thank you to all of the staff and pupils at Bloxwich Academy.


Combat Stress Cycle September Challenge

Milo-Fox is taking part in the Combat Stress Cycle September challenge!

This year Milo-Fox will be taking on Cycle September With his Mom and Dad and cycling 250 kilometers to raise vital funds for life-changing mental health treatment for veterans.

Combat Stress is the UK's leading charity for veterans' mental health. For over a century, they've helped former servicemen and women deal with issues like trauma, anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. Today, they provide support to veterans from every service and every conflict.

He is taking vital steps towards ensuring veterans can get the support they need.

Well done Milo!


100% Attendance

A huge congratulations to all our pupils who achieved 100% attendance last year. Each of these dedicated pupils received a 100% attendance badge and a £25 gift voucher as a reward for their fantastic commitment.

Let's aim high this year! Parents, your support is crucial in helping our pupils reach their full potential. Encourage your child to aim for 100% attendance this year- every day counts!


Saltmine Performance

As part of our Personal Development Curriculum, we are looking at pupils’ safety in the community. On Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th September 2024, pupils in years 7-10 experienced a fantastic performance and interactive assembly promoting awareness of gang association relating to knife crime and county lines, online perceptions and the laws surrounding this. Pupils were made aware of the statistics relating to knife crimes and the powers of Stop and Search, including the risk of joint enterprise and being charged for crimes for any association with an unlawful action.

Pupils were given strategies to stay safe and protect themselves in the community. Pupils were reminded that “We are a Telling School” and to report any concerns or to ask any questions to staff members in school including form tutors, teaching staff, Head of House and Leadership.

We would like to thank Saltmine Trust for supporting Bloxwich Academy and promoting the message of safety in the community.

If you have any questions relating to this performance, please contact Miss Williamson via


Celebrating Perfect Attendance

Celebrating Perfect Attendance: Roman Wins Attendance Award and a New Bike!

We are thrilled to announce that Roman, a dedicated student from Year 3 has achieved an incredible milestone last academic year 2023-24 – 100% attendance! His commitment and dedication to being present every single day has not only made him a shining example to his peers but also earned him a very special prize.

As part of our school’s initiative to encourage consistent attendance, pupils with perfect attendance throughout the year were entered into a raffle for a brand-new bike. The lucky winner, drawn from the hat, was none other than Roman! Congratulations!

This achievement is a testament to his perseverance, responsibility, and enthusiasm for learning. Maintaining perfect attendance is no easy task, and we are proud to recognise Roman's outstanding effort.

Roman, enjoy your new bike! We hope it brings you as much joy as your commitment to school has brought to all of us. Let’s all be inspired by Roman and continue striving for excellence in the year ahead.

Well done, Roman!

Contact Info

Secondary School
Leamore Lane
Bloxwich, Walsall
West Midlands

T: 01922 710 257

Secondary SENDCo – Mrs Bensley

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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