
Prom 2024

Thursday 4th July will hold memories for many of our Year 11 cohort. The prom got off to a glamourous start with glitzy cars, fire engines and beautiful outfits worn by all. As the night progressed, we had a captivating performance by the fire performer, caricatures of the pupils, and poses thrown on the 360-photo booth.

Pupils and staff danced the night away starting with the crowning of the Prom King and Queen, followed by a spectacular dance off between the staff and pupils. I think we can all agree that our very own Mr Booth won the show.

We would like to thank everyone who made the night a memorable evening. Congratulations to our Year 11 cohort and we wish you all the success in the future.


Ste Hamilton Talk

On 4th July, Year 10 had an assembly from an external speaker to motivate them in their career paths and choices. Ste Hamilton is a 'local boy' born and raised in Willenhall, attended a local school, and is now a successful property developer in the area. Ste spoke to the pupils about his journey; from GCSEs at school, to part time work, and then taking opportunities to excel through networking and contacts.

Ste invited pupils up on to the stage to speak to the room. Employment skills and attitudes for success were discussed and pupils were keen to demonstrate their confidence, communication skills, resilience, critical thinking, dedication, collaboration and flexibility. Pupils that demonstrated these skills to the highest level and impressed the room and Ste were rewarded for their efforts.

A huge well done K. Gyan Baffour, C. Herpers, E. Oyewole-Omodunni for their efforts and rewards. A special mention also to T. Bailey who demonstrated resilience to the highest level in his 'sales pitch' of a product; proving that even when things might not go right in the first place, there is always the option and ability to try again and improve. Truly being the best we can be!



On Wednesday 3rd July 2024, 60 year 8 pupils had the opportunity to be involved with a STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) day.  

Firstly, the pupils were tasked with building the tallest paper tower using only paper. Many pupils believed this was 'impossible' at first but after hard work and resilience they built freestanding towers. Pupils then had to design their own futuristic train stations where they worked in teams and presented their train station in front of everyone. The last task the pupils had was to design and build a tunnel using paper straws and tape. The tunnel had to hold a 1 kg weight and allow the train to go through. The pupils involved were an absolute credit to the academy and should be very proud of their accomplishments from the day!


Futbol Lingo

On Thursday 27th June, four Bloxwich Academy pupils enjoyed a football-related language learning enrichment activity with a company called Futbol Lingo at Barr Beacon School.

Pupils involved were;

L Horton-Stokes - 8T2

T Taylor - 8S1

A Rose - 8S2

M Waddison - 8W1

They were an absolute credit to themselves and the Academy!

Futbol Lingo is an initiative from professional football coaches and linguists, Pierce Kiembi and Mark Muddyman. We have been working with them to see how we can inspire language learning through the medium of football.

Futbol Lingo offers a pioneering app designed by UEFA Licenced coaches at Sports Lingo Group Ltd. to help other coaches, footballers and football lovers alike learn football-specific language and facilitate communication by breaking down the language barrier. 

It helps to promote MFL and highlight its importance in the football industry with motivational talks and workshops.

The education offer from Futbol Lingo is very exciting – combining football themed activities with motivation and inspiration for language learning and the practical opportunities that exist for future careers.

Pierce and Mark are inspirational football coaches and linguists. They aim to inspire future linguists and open young people’s minds about the wealth of opportunities for people who speak other languages and also understand other cultures in the football industry.

Pierce has a wealth of experience in the football industry as both a professional player and a coach and worked yesterday with Year 8 pupils from across the trust. There was a motivational talk on the value of languages followed by a practical football session conducted in French! 

For more information on how Pierce helps football players and coaches overcome language barriers across the world, please download the app:

The app will show you how to understand football-related language and give you an insight into the importance of languages in the sporting world!


Attendance Matters

9th July: Attendance Matters

Our policy is clear that term-time holidays will not be authorised.   

For our pupils, the best place to be during term-time is in school, surrounded by the support of their friends and teachers.  This is important not just for your child’s learning, but also for their overall wellbeing, wider development and their mental health.  Medical advice is clear that children with mild illness will often be well enough to attend - for example if they have a cough, or cold. 

We would like to congratulate 8B1 and 9T1 for being the leading forms for attendance last half term and were rewarded with a celebration breakfast last week. Well done!"

2nd July: Attendance Matters

Being in school is important to your child’s achievement, wellbeing, and wider development. Evidence shows that the students with the highest attendance throughout their time in school gain the best GCSE and A Level results

Nationally, secondary school pupils who don’t achieve grade 9 to 4 in English and maths, miss 10 or more days on average during Y10 and Y11. 

It's therefore great to see that at our school, 320 pupils have missed fewer than 9 school days so far this year and amazingly, 40 have never had a day off!

Well done - let’s keep that great attendance going, right until the end of term.

24th June: Attendance Matters.

From September, a fixed penalty notice will be issued by the local authority if a pupil reaches 10 sessions (morning or afternoon registration mark) of unauthorised absence in a rolling period of 10 school weeks.    

This can be for any combination of unauthorised absence, for example…  

John is late to school after 09.10 six times in September.  In October, he goes on holiday with his family for the last two days before the half-term break.  His parent/carer will be issued a fixed penalty notice and receive an £80 fine.   

Sarah is absent from school without a valid reason on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  The following week, she is absent on Friday without a valid reason.  The next week, she is late after 09.10 on Wednesday and Thursday. Her parent/carer will be issued a fixed penalty notice and receive a £80 fine.

17th June: Attendance Matters.

Absence from school damages a child’s education.  Unauthorised absence from school can lead to legal intervention by the local authority.  So far, over 100 families have been fined a total of almost £6,000 in fixed penalty notices.  

Currently, 58 families are currently being prosecuted by the local authority, which could result in a fine of up to £1000 each.  

Consistent attendance ensures that pupils stay on track with the curriculum and do not miss out on important lessons and activities.  This engagement is vital for their academic progress and helps develop essential skills for the future

18th March

As we approach the end of this half term, we want to remind you that we're in the final week of our exciting "Eggcellent Attendance" challenge. 

The countdown has begun, with just 5 days left!

We've witnessed incredible dedication from our pupils over the past weeks, and we want to encourage  them to give their best for this final stretch.

 Achieving perfect attendance not only supports their learning journey but also puts them in the running for a fantastic reward at the end of the term.

Parents, your continued support has been invaluable, and we're grateful for the positive atmosphere around our school. Let's finish this "Eggcellent Attendance" challenge on a high note!

Here's to a fantastic final week!

11th March

As we head into the second week of our "Eggcellent Attendance" theme, we want to extend a big 'Well Done!' to all the amazing pupils who have been consistently attending school on time.

Your children's commitment to their education is truly commendable! 

As we enter this phase, we'd like to remind you that there are only 10 days of full attendance left to qualify for the exciting reward at the end of the term. The finish line is in sight, and we're confident that our students will continue to rise to the occasion.

Thank you for your continuous support, and here's to another week of success in our "Eggcellent Attendance" journey!

4th March

We're thrilled to introduce our new attendance theme for the remainder of this half term - "Eggcellent Attendance"! 

Starting today, every student who attends school regularly and is not late will have a crackin' chance of winning an eggciting prize on the final day of this half term! 

Encourage your child to be present every day and on time to maximize their chances of taking home a special prize. 

Thank you for your ongoing support, and we can't wait to see every student shine bright with their "Eggcellent Attendance"!

29th February

We are delighted to share some fantastic news regarding our students' commitment to attendance at school. Since the beginning of the spring term, we have witnessed a remarkable improvement in the attendance of 60 pupils across various year groups.

Each of these 60 pupils will be receiving a well-deserved congratulations letter in the post. We are immensely proud of their dedication and commitment to their education.

A special shoutout goes to form group 10T2 for achieving the best attendance for the past week with 93.8%. Your collective effort and commitment to attending classes regularly have not gone unnoticed – well done! 

Additionally, we extend our congratulations to Form 7B2 for achieving the highest attendance among all forms-96.5%. Your consistent presence contributes significantly to creating a positive and supportive learning environment for everyone.

26th February

We would like to thank all parents for supporting their child in arriving to school  by 8:30am each day.

However, we have several pupils arriving after 8:30am and missing line up and form time. As a result, pupils miss out on important notices and form activities to help improve their progress in school. 

Punctuality is not just a virtue within the school setting; it is a habit that carries immense significance in the wider world and future employment. 

Professionalism: Punctuality is a hallmark of professionalism. In the workplace, arriving on time demonstrates a strong work ethic and respect for colleagues and employers. It sets a positive tone for the day and reflects well on an individual's reliability.

Time Management: Punctual individuals tend to be more effective at managing their time. This skill becomes increasingly valuable as students transition into adulthood, balancing work, family, and personal responsibilities.

Dependability: Punctuality builds trust. Whether in academic collaborations or professional projects, being dependable by showing up on time fosters a sense of reliability and trust among peers and colleagues.

Encourage your child to view punctuality as a habit that extends beyond the school gates. Discuss the importance of being on time in various aspects of life and how it contributes to personal and professional success.

By instilling the value of punctuality now, we are equipping our pupils with a skill that will serve them well throughout their lives. 

22nd February

We would like to welcome back all our pupils after the half term break and thank all parents for supporting your child in making every day count, by promoting the importance of attendance.

Each week pupils with 100% attendance will receive an attendance postcard as recognition of their commitment to school and 5 positive achievement points. Pupils with 100% attendance from the previous term will also be selected to attend a reward activity during this term. Further information for applicable pupils will be sent out in the coming weeks.

We're aware medical and dental appointments are unavoidable. However, we encourage all parents to make appointments out of school hours where possible. Where this is not possible, parents should get the school's agreement in advance and the pupil should be out of school for the minimum amount of time necessary for the appointment.

Pastoral staff will require confirmation of appointments to ensure your child's absence is coded correctly. If parents do not provide this information and request to remove their child from school, their absence will be unauthorised. Parents are required to collect their child for any medical and dental appointment.

If you have any further questions please contact the school at 

19th February

As we approach the upcoming mock examinations, we would like to emphasize the crucial role that regular school attendance plays in your child's academic success. Mock exams are a vital part of their preparation for future assessments, and attending school during this period is instrumental in ensuring they get the most out of this valuable experience.

Pupils who did not achieve grade 9 to 4 in English and maths GCSEs in 2019 had an overall absence rate of 8.8% over the key stage, compared with 5.2% among pupils who achieved a grade 4 and 3.7% among pupils who achieved grade 9 to 5 in both English and maths.

Generally, the higher the percentage of sessions missed across the key stage at KS4, the lower the level of attainment at the end of the key stage.

We understand that the exam period can be a stressful time for pupils. To support them in managing any stress or anxiety they may be experiencing, our dedicated team of class teachers, form tutors, and Heads of House are here to help. They are available to provide guidance, answer questions, and offer support tailored to your child's individual needs.

For further support we recommend the following links

If you have any specific concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

5th February

In our ongoing efforts to ensure that every student receives a full-time education, the school has conducted a total of 550 home visits to families where we have been unable to establish contact or receive a valid reason for their child's absence. These home visits were initiated to provide support, address concerns, and ultimately improve attendance.

We understand that various factors may contribute to a student's absence, and our goal is to work collaboratively with parents and guardians to overcome any barriers that may exist. It is crucial for us to emphasise that our primary focus is the well-being and educational progress of your child.

Regrettably, despite our best efforts, we find ourselves in the unfortunate position of having to take legal action in 8 cases. Court prosecution is not a step we take lightly, but it becomes necessary when all other avenues have been exhausted, and a child's education is at risk. Additionally, 20 families have been referred to the local authority due to persistent absence concerns.

We want to assure you that our intention is not punitive but rather to ensure that every child can thrive academically. We believe that regular school attendance is a critical factor in achieving this goal.

To continue our collaborative efforts and provide the necessary support, we encourage families to reach out to us at Our dedicated attendance team is available to address any concerns you may have, offer assistance, and work together to remove any barriers affecting your child's attendance.

18th January

At Bloxwich Academy, we understand that each family faces unique challenges, and we want you to know that we are here to support you every step of the way. Your child's well-being and education are of utmost importance to us, and we want to ensure that every student feels supported and can thrive in our school community.

If you find yourselves facing difficulties related to your child's attendance, please know that you are not alone. We recognise that various factors can contribute to attendance issues, and we are here to help overcome any barriers together.

Our school is equipped with a team of qualified and caring staff members who specialise in supporting students and families facing challenges related to attendance. These dedicated individuals have the expertise to address a range of concerns and provide personalised assistance to help your child succeed.

We encourage you to take a proactive step towards resolving any attendance-related concerns by reaching out to your child's Head of House. The HOH is here to assist you and can provide valuable insights, support, and guidance. By working collaboratively, we can identify strategies to improve attendance and create a positive and nurturing environment for your child. Our commitment to your child's well-being extends beyond the classroom, and we are dedicated to working together with you to create the best possible learning experience.

To schedule a meeting with the HOH, please contact

9th January

We hope this message find you well and that you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. As we embark on a new year and fresh start, we are delighted to welcome back our pupils.

As we commence this half term, we would like to emphasise the importance of good attendance. Regular attendance plays a crucial role in a pupils' academic success and overall well-being. It sets the foundation for a successful learning experience and helps pupils to build a sense of routine and responsibility.

Consistent attendance also ensures that pupils stay on track with the curriculum and do not miss out on important lessons and activities. By being present in class, pupils are better positioned to actively participate in discussions, ask questions and seek clarification on challenging topics. This engagement is vital for their academic progress and helps develop essential skills for the future.

Our dedicated staff are here to support both you and your child in navigating any obstacles that may affect attendance.

29th November

We are thrilled to share that school attendance has significantly improved compared to last year, thanks to your unwavering support. Persistence absence continues to decrease, showcasing the positive impact of our collective efforts.

Your commitment to your child's education has played a pivotal role in this achievement. We sincerely appreciate your dedication to fostering a culture of regular attendance.

As we celebrate this progress, we want to assure you that our commitment to supporting students and families remains a priority. If you have any concerns or require further assistance, our doors are always open.

23rd November

Encouraging Full Week Attendance for Student Success

We would like to take a moment to emphasise the significance of your child attending school on Fridays and completing a full week of classes.

Consistent attendance is a key factor in academic success, and we have observed that some pupils are not completing full weeks, which can impact their overall attainment. Attending school regularly ensures that students benefit from continuous learning, engage in important classroom discussions, and maintain a routine that supports their academic development.

To motivate and recognise our students for their commitment to attending school regularly, we are implementing a new attendance reward system. Starting now, students will be rewarded on a weekly basis for completing the full week of classes. Additionally, we are excited to announce that students will have the opportunity to work towards attendance rewards that include family vouchers.

We believe that by incentivising regular attendance, we can create a positive environment that fosters academic growth and instills a sense of responsibility in our students. Your support in encouraging your child to attend school consistently will contribute greatly to their overall success.
Thank you for partnering with us in nurturing a culture of regular attendance and commitment to learning. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

22nd November

Legal Implications of School Attendance 📚

We hope this message finds you well. Our school has recently conducted 339 home visits to ensure the welfare and academic progress of our pupils. We understand that various challenges can impact attendance, but it’s crucial to be aware of the legal consequences.

As of now, £1800 in penalty notices have been issued, and 14 families are facing prosecution due to persistent non-attendance. The law mandates regular school attendance, and failing to comply can result in severe consequences for both parents and students.

We urge you to prioritise your child’s education and work collaboratively with the school to overcome any barriers to attendance. Communication is key, and we are here to support you. Let’s ensure every child has the opportunity to thrive academically and build a bright future.

Please contact the school at for further support.

17th November 2023

Punctuality Matters

We have noticed that some parents, due to various commitments, rely on their older children to drop off younger siblings at school. While we understand the challenges that come with busy schedules, we’ve observed that this practice is causing some children to arrive late.

Prompt arrivals are crucial for a smooth start to the school day, ensuring that every student can maximize their learning opportunities. We kindly request parents who currently depend on older siblings for drop-offs to consider alternative arrangements or coordinate with fellow parents to ensure that all children reach school on time.

Your cooperation in addressing this matter will greatly contribute to maintaining a punctual and organised school environment. If you have any concerns or if you need assistance in finding alternative solutions, please feel free to reach out and contact us via 

14th November 2023

Building attendance together

We would like to thank all the parents in attendance at the most recent parent advisory forum last week. Your engagement and insights are crucial in shaping the path forward for our school community. We appreciate your commitment and collaboration and look forward to our next meeting.

Bloxwich Academy would like to continue to work with families and pupils to support your child’s attendance. For support, please contact 

10th November 2023

Celebrating Perfect Attendance!

We are thrilled to announce and celebrate the remarkable achievement of several of our dedicated pupils who have achieved a great milestone: **100% Attendance**! Their commitment to learning and unwavering dedication has been truly inspiring throughout this half term. By attending every single day of school, these students have demonstrated exceptional perseverance and a true passion for education.

Their accomplishment reflects not only their hard work but also the support and encouragement provided by all of you, their parents. Your commitment to their education has played a vital role in this success.

Let’s continue to encourage and motivate all pupils to strive for excellence in both attendance and academic pursuits.

23rd October 2023

Parent Forum – Attendance success

We would like to thank all parents who attended the Parent Forum last Thursday evening, where we informally discussed attendance- it was a great success!

The input from parents sparked some insightful conversations around attendance to which we will now look to build on, to extend our support to you and your child. This was the first opportunity this year for parents to collaborate in progressing attendance within the school. We look forward to the next one.

We will be sending invitations out next half term to allow more parents to have their say. We welcome the opportunity for you to get involved and continue this informal conversation over a hot drink and cake.

If you are interested in joining us at the next forum, please raise your interest through the attendance email:

17th October 2023

Absence due to mock exams and assessments

Working alongside parents and pupils to support your child’s attendance is a key priority at Bloxwich Academy. We encourage all parents/carers to raise any concerns they have with their child attending school, to allow us to support and address any barriers they may face.

We know that parents worry about their children’s mental health. Parents and carers must remember that mild anxiety, whilst sometimes a difficult emotion, is normal. In many instances, attendance at school may serve to help with the underlying issue more than being away from school, which might exacerbate it.

Rather than keeping your child away from school during this time we would much rather you encourage your child to attend school and you let us know about your worries so that we can work together on supporting your child.

It is important to us that all children feel safe and supported when attending school and we are keen to work with you to ensure they feel this way when attending school.

We would love to meet with you to discuss avenues for support. Please contact to make an appointment or arrange a phone call.

3rd October 2023

Excellent Attendance Reaps Rewards

Well done to the vast majority of pupils who have attended school every day this year so far; Year 7 are certainly leading the way and Year 11 are a close second (especially important with the forthcoming examinations on the horizon).

After talking with a number of pupils over the last few weeks, we are about to launch a new package of rewards for great attendance, alongside also rewarding pupils with improved attendance – watch this space!

We know that pupils fall behind their friends and classmates when they miss school. At Bloxwich Academy, we want the amount of missed education to be reduced as much as possible. We believe that our community is stronger together, with all of our pupils in school, on time, every day. We are building life skills, life-long friendships and preparing your child for future success.

Please email if there is anything we can do to support you or your child.

27th September 2023

Outstanding Attendance underpins Academic Success

 During the summer, we were delighted to report another set of excellent results for our Year 11 pupils, which saw a significant number of our pupils achieve fantastic grades.  Our analysis has shown that:

We know that parents have a significant effect and we would really appreciate your help and support ensuring that your child comes to school every day so that they can get the best possible outcomes.  We want to work with you to achieve this –please email if there is anything we can do to support you or your child.

Further NHS Guidance can be found here: Is my child too ill for school?


LionHeart Challenge

On Thursday 27th June and Friday 28th June, Year 10 pupils at Bloxwich Academy were provided with an excellent opportunity to take part in the LionHeart Challenge. Bloxwich Community Partnership have funded the exciting event where pupils had the opportunity to work in groups to research, develop and plan an event for a local demographic.

Pupils developed their ability to communicate, research local context and data and understand the financial requirements to run market an event. This not only included the development of an event, but also how to market and advertise. All skills developed during the day are transferable to furthering their education and into the working environment.

At the end of the event, each team had to present their event in full to the judging panel. The groups were judged on their finances, concept, marketing co ordination and presentation. They also were awarded for the overall winner.

The pupils represented themselves professionally and made Bloxwich Academy proud with their engagement and enthusiasm for the challenge.

Congratulations to Team 4 on both days. You were judged to have the best proposal for your chosen events and demographics. We now wait to hear if you are through to the final.

A special mention to a pupil that received a special award over the two days. Kobie Sargent was awarded “Most Outstanding Pupil” out of the whole year 10 cohort. Congratulations to him for his efforts, resilience and professionalism when supporting and leading his team.

Thank you to the LionHeart Challenge and to Bloxwich Community Partnership for funding the event and allowing our pupils the opportunity to develop their skills beyond the classroom.


Y12 Aston University Conference Day

On Thursday 27th June, our Y12 students visited Aston University, Birmingham for a student conference. This was an excellent opportunity for our students to discover more about the options for them after Sixth Form and inspire them to take different career paths. The day gave students the opportunity to attend a range of talks and workshops to include:

· Applying to university

· Careers and placements

· Mental health and well-being

· Choosing a university

· Meet with the admissions team and interact with current university students

The campus tours saw the students engage with different areas and facilities on site; from the library to the sports centre, to the Student Union. It was fantastic to have the sun shining as we walked around and got to interact with the Aston Student Ambassadors and really get a feel for campus life. With over 20,000 steps across the day (including walking from all the train stations), the Dominoes pizza that was provided at lunch time really hit the spot. 

A great day that has given out students a real-life insight. Time to make some choices now in to Year 13!


Water Safety

With the current hot weather, children, particularly older children, may look to go swimming in open water to cool down and have fun.  This comes with various risks – cold water shock, currents, hidden underwater dangers and diseases such as Weil’s disease. 46% of drownings occur in the summer months and this rises to 75% amongst 13 – 17-year olds. Educating children on these dangers is important in preventing tragic incidents.

The Royal Life Saving Society and the Canal & River Trust have some good resources with more information on this to discuss with your children:


For primary junior-age children (KS2):

For early years and primary infants (Nursery, Reception, KS1):


Book Fair

The book fair running in the library this week at Bloxwich Secondary. Pupils have been coming down and are still able to come and have a look at break/after school. With so many avid readers at the school, it has been a pleasure to see so many pupils getting involved and purchasing their books.

And it couldn't be easier!

Pupils select the books they would like to purchase, take a QR code home for parents to pay and they collect the book the following day, so there is no need for pupils to bring money to school. 

The book fair is running until Thursday 27th June so there is still time to get your books in!


IBC Skills Show

On Wednesday 26th June, 13 of our Y8 pupils attended the Inspiring the Black Country Skills Show at Dunstall Racecourse to look at different career options. 

This event is in its third year and has been successful in bringing schools and employers/colleges and training providers together. Each exhibitor provided an activity for the pupils to get involved with, as it’s not a traditional careers fair. This year there were several new exhibitors that haven’t been at the event before, so bringing a wider spectrum of sectors for the young people. This event provides an insight into the world of work, enabling young people to engage with local employers through industry related tasks, hands on interactive activities that simulate real roles.

Pupils got the opportunity to try out various activities linked to job roles that companies offer including first aid, Armed Forces, construction, public house landlord, special effects make up and other media avenues. 

This trip has enabled and inspired young people to make informed decisions about their future subject selection and how subjects relate to the workplace and ‘real’ roles within business

Contact Info

Secondary School
Leamore Lane
Bloxwich, Walsall
West Midlands

T: 01922 710 257

Secondary SENDCo – Mrs Bensley

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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