
Saltmine Performance

As part of our Personal Development Curriculum, we are looking at pupils’ safety in the community. On Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th September 2024, pupils in years 7-10 experienced a fantastic performance and interactive assembly promoting awareness of gang association relating to knife crime and county lines, online perceptions and the laws surrounding this. Pupils were made aware of the statistics relating to knife crimes and the powers of Stop and Search, including the risk of joint enterprise and being charged for crimes for any association with an unlawful action.

Pupils were given strategies to stay safe and protect themselves in the community. Pupils were reminded that “We are a Telling School” and to report any concerns or to ask any questions to staff members in school including form tutors, teaching staff, Head of House and Leadership.

We would like to thank Saltmine Trust for supporting Bloxwich Academy and promoting the message of safety in the community.

If you have any questions relating to this performance, please contact Miss Williamson via


International Day of Democracy

Schools across Matrix Academy Trust have been recognising the International Day of Democracy (15th September).​

International Day of Democracy began in 1997 and it is based on the principles of equality, liberty, and justice. Democracy is essential for human rights and development.​

Schools will be considering the meaning behind the international day, but also our modern British values – democracy and individual liberty.​

We practise democracy in all of our schools by electing pupils to take on various roles and responsibilities on behalf of their peers including Form Captains, School Council Representatives, Personal Development Ambassadors, Anti-Bullying Ambassadors and Careers Champions.​

We will be celebrating democracy in our schools across the week by voting for our peers and encouraging our pupils to take on these fulfilling roles for the academic year ahead.


School Council 24/25

We are proud to present our Bloxwich Academy School Council. This is a fantastic opportunity and promotes the democracy we have in place to enable our pupils to freely elect their representatives. Our School Council have already started to showcase their ideas to promote and drive our Bloxwich Values. We have a number of exciting projects that they will take a leading role in moving forward. Well done to each of you for making this valuable contribution to Bloxwich Academy. 


International Literacy Day - 16 by 16

To celebrate International Literacy Day, Bloxwich Academy are promoting the 16 by 16 challenge to emphasise the importance of literacy and the power knowledge, reading ability and being literate can have on individuals and their future and how they can shape our society. 

To support the 16 by 16 challenge, please also see our English curriculum.  We ensure our English curriculum enables pupils to access the knowledge needed to read critically and write imaginatively, adapting for a variety of forms. Pupils will develop a love of reading through a variety of increasingly challenging texts. We ensure that the broad skills of language, structural and contextual analysis are integrated and built within our curriculum, and across each year. We do this through a diverse variety of topics and genres (fiction and non-fiction).

16 by 16: Book List


Bloxwich Workload and Wellbeing Staff Group

Meet our staff workload and wellbeing group who meet regularly to discuss staff wellbeing and to continue to look at ways in which we can work most effectively and reduce teacher workload.  At Bloxwich, we are committed to promoting staff wellbeing and really value staff voice as part of this.


Open Events 2024

We will be holding a few open events this year to give all prospective Year 7 parents and pupils the chance to come and visit us. These events will give you a little insight into what is means to be a pupil at Bloxwich Academy and give you the chance to ask any questions you may have.

Open Evening will take place on Thursday 12th September 2024 - 4pm – 7.30pm 

Open Mornings will take place on Monday 30th September - Friday 4th October between 9:20 - 10:00am.  


GCSE Results Day 2024

Congratulations to all pupils who have collected their GCSE results today! We are so proud of your hard work and wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours.


Bright futures for Bloxwich Academy students 

Students at Bloxwich Academy are all set to study fantastic university courses after achieving excellent A level results.

They include Kyriakos Sia who earned A*A*A. He’s off to study Mathematics at the University of Birmingham. He said: “Thank you to everyone. I’m going to miss this place.” 

Other successes include Priya Salan (Law and Criminology at the University of Birmingham), Siria Cavaginni (Aerospace Engineering at the University of Manchester), Emily Robins (Children’s Nursing), Aqsa Ejaz (Biomedical Science), Molly-May Davies (Forensic Investigation), Caleigh Wilson (Law).

"I am absolutely thrilled to congratulate each of you on your outstanding results and exciting future destinations. Your hard work, determination, and resilience have truly paid off, and I couldn't be prouder. 

As you embark on the next chapter of your lives, whether it be further education, apprenticeships, or entering the workforce, remember that the skills and knowledge you have learned, Continue to strive for excellence, embrace new challenges, and stay curious. You’ve shown us all what can be achieved with commitment and perseverance.

Wishing you all the best in your future endeavors.

- Mr Prime


Summer opportunity for 14-16-year olds

Walsall College, in partnership with Walsall Council, is hosting their free Future Foodies programme for 14 – 16 year olds to focus on food preparation and eating well!

This four-day course, beginning in July and August, aims to promote holistic life skills and an independent diet routine, with the aim of empowering young people in Walsall to make positive informed lifestyle choices that continue into adulthood!

Students will be presented at the end of the course with a Walsall College and Walsall Council certificate of completion!

During this course we want students to gain confidence, as well as teamworking skills and organisational skills within topics that cover:

·         Healthy eating and nutrition ·         Sugar reduction·         Food growing initiatives ·         Budgeting skills·         Sustainability

Some of our practical kitchen sessions will include a session on foods from varying cultural backgrounds, using refined sugars in desserts and replicating takeaway foods at home!

Our four-day courses are available on either of the following dates from 9.30am – 4pm:

22nd July -25th July
29th July - 1st August
12th August - 15th August
19th August - 22nd August

Scan the QR code on the poster attached or click on the following link to register your place on the Future Foodies programme:

HAF [Recovered]

HAF Summer

For pupils joining us in September, come along to our Summer School at Bloxwich Academy to enjoy a range of exciting activities. You will be able to meet staff here at the school, experience the fresh tasty food in the canteen and engage in different activities to meet and make new friends before you start in September. You will have the opportunity to do orienteering, abstract art, origami and team building activities. On the Thursday we have booked an inflatable party for you to enjoy. The Summer School will run from 10am-2pm from Monday 29th July-Thursday 1st August. 

Any parent wanting their child to come to the summer school, please contact us on 

01922710257 or email

If you child is registered with Walsall Activity Fund, please include your childs code.

Contact Info

Secondary School
Leamore Lane
Bloxwich, Walsall
West Midlands

T: 01922 710 257

Secondary SENDCo – Mrs Bensley

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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