
Recycled Materials

In school and at home, the children have been talking and learning about birds. We have learnt all about how important birds are and the different types of British birds. In school, we have made bird feeders which we will be placing around the school grounds. We are looking forward to all the wonderful types of birds that will visit us. Next week we are even going on a bird watching walk.

We have been working very hard on our weekly project. The children have been making houses out of re-cycled materials. As part of the project, the children planned their design and added features such as doors and windows.

We are really happy with all of your hard work this week and we can’t wait until we see next week’s learning. Well done Year 1!


Weekly Challenge

Keeping our minds healthy and active. Device Free Challenges.

Challenge 2

The Big Garden Birdwatch

Pupils are to sign up to the RSPB website HERE. Spend an hour counting the birds you see in your garden and then tell us what you saw.

Take the 'which Garden Bird are you' quiz HERE.

Did you know?

Kestrels have remarkably keen eyesight even in extremely poor light, allowing them to hunt almost until dark.

Owls can rotate their necks 270 degrees.

Challenge 1

Following Christmas, Britain sees a significant increase in the use of plastics which have a big impact on our environment and global warming.

Create an under the sea display using plastic waste from around your house.  You could also make a jelly fish, crab and fish from plastics and other wastes.  Make a display explaining the impacts of plastic waste on the oceans.

Facts about Plastic

  • On a yearly basis, around 8 million metric tons of plastic ends up in our oceans, seas and rivers.
  • It takes approximately 450 years for the ocean to break down man-made plastic items.
  • “Microplastics” – A smaller piece of plastic. These microplastics have now made their way into our diets through the sea food we consume.
  • 100 million marine animals die every year from plastics invading their homes.
  • By the year 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish.

Going Live

Pupils are uploading their work to the folders and class teachers are giving instant feedback/marking during their online catch up and feedback sessions.

Live lessons are being delivered for all the core subjects, PE and some foundation subjects. During these sessions the pupils are interactively involved answering questions by using the hands up icon to tell the teacher that they have an answer, as seen here in a Year 4 reading session.


Christmas Carol Day

On Friday 11th December, Bloxwich Academy held our annual Christmas jumper day. Dozens of Rudolphs, copious amounts of elves and several Santas walked through the school gates that morning. Mr Kirkham even donned a fantastic Star Wars jumper!

We managed to raise an incredible £300.40! On top of this, we even had an extra special guest feature. The original singer and composer of ‘I wish it could be Christmas Everyday’ – Roy Wood (formerly of The Move, ELO and Wizzard) – sent a special message to the year 6 students. You can see this in the Christmas video below.

Usually, we would invite parents into the school for our Christmas concert but with current the situation, this was not possible. However, all the children made a fantastic effort to sing the carols in their bubbles. It’s safe to say that the Christmas spirit was well and truly in the school on that day. All the children were fantastic with their singing and made Bloxwich Academy proud!


Food Bank Collection

A huge thank you to all our parents who donated food for 'Walsall North Food Bank'. We had an amazing response, and the food bank was extremely grateful for all your donations for their families who may need a little help this Christmas. 

The food bank has been in contact to say thank you for the generous donation. They said:

“Dear Bloxwich Academy, 

We would like to thank you very much for your extremely generous Christmas donations to Walsall North Foodbank, weighing-in at a whopping 127.35kg. This year, our volunteer helpers have been busier than ever, and have had to adapt procedures to respond to the developing changes brought on by the pandemic.  

On behalf of our steering group and the rest of our team of volunteers, we would like to express our gratitude to everyone who has helped in any way to support the Foodbank. We would like to say, once again, a big thank you for the part that you have played in helping us to make this foodbank project sustainable. “


CCF Update

This term’s training has continued under some very challenging circumstances but this has not deflated the enthusiasm of the cadets and staff at Bloxwich Academy. The recent recruitment drive has seen many Year 8 pupils sign up to the cadet programme to enhance their skills. The section now stands at a massive 60 cadets. The training that has been undertaken is getting the new cadets ready for their part 1 assessment that will be conducted early next year.

Again, a round of promotions has been conducted and the squadron now has enough middle management and officers so that the squadron has three flights contained within it. The Contingent Commander has to keep reminding himself that they are not troop formations (that’s what flights are called in the army). The Contingent Commander takes great pride in seeing the cadets run their own unit in such a short period of time.

The CCF is open to pupils of the school once they reach Year 8. Some Year 7 pupils are already trying to secure places on next September’s intake.Upda

The Contingent Commander, Officers, SSI and cadets wish you all a very Merry Christmas and thank you for your continued support.


Good to be Green

This term, we introduced a new reward system into the school: good to be green. Each week, the children earn an afternoon GTBG slot on a Friday. So far this term, we’ve had decoration making, chalk planet drawings, treasure hunts and many more fantastic activities. The children love taking part in the Good to be green activities on a Friday.

In December, we had our first good to be green end of term activity. Each class had the option to choose from one of many activities: archery, fencing, footgolf and disc golf. The children were all excited to take part in these events and had a great time doing so. 


End of Term

We are very grateful to families for all the support we have received this term regarding our staggered start and end times.

Please note the end times for Friday 18th December, the last day of autumn term:


Just Keep Skipping!

This academic year has seen many changes; as a result, PE and extra-curricular activities look a little different. As a school, we are currently participating in the Virtual School Games; October saw the start of the Black Country Virtual Skipping Competition. This was a virtual skipping competition against local primary schools over a two-week period, which then lead to competing against primary schools across the Black Country. The skipping competition created a lot of excitement and the children really enjoyed participating with their friends. There were some great performances across KS2.  

Ruby (Year 3) achieved 40 skips in 30 seconds 

Daniel and Emily (Year 4) achieved 55 skips. 

Blake (Year 5) achieved 69 skips. 

Harley and Riley (Year 6) both achieved 56 skips.  

It was great to hear children were practising at home and working hard to improve the number of skips they could complete in 30 seconds. It is also lovely to see skipping has become a popular activity which children are enjoying at break and lunchtime. Keep on skipping Bloxwich!


Author Visits

We love reading at Bloxwich Academy so we were over-the-moon when we found out we would have the chance to have a virtual author visit! It was surreal to hear the actual author, of a book we love, read it out to us live!

Year 1 & 2 listened to Humza Arshad, the author of ‘Little Badman’, read his story out loud. He even brought along his illustrator to teach us how to draw some of the illustrations from the book. The children did a fantastic job of recreating the artwork.

We all enjoyed the author visits, and we can’t wait to read the books in class.

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Contact Info

Secondary School
Leamore Lane
Bloxwich, Walsall
West Midlands

T: 01922 710 257

Secondary SENDCo – Mrs Bensley

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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