We hope you will enjoy reading out what we have planned for the children of Bloxwich Academy Primary and will be inspired to get involved yourself.

Currently, the elected members are:

Chair: Rebecca Williams

Joint Secretary: Amy Williams & Sarah Gooch

Treasurer: Stephanie Millard

Friends of Bloxwich, or FOB for short, are a group of parents and carers from the local community who meet throughout the academic year to organise various events to support an enhanced curriculum for the pupils. As well as raising money, FOB brings together parents, family members, staff and friends in support of our school and is an opportunity for family members to become involved in our children’s education. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer and getting involved, please drop us an email: Friendsofbloxwichacademy@outlook.com

Halloween Disco

We are excited to see the return of the annual Halloween Disco to be held in the upper hall at Bloxwich Academy Primary. There will be two events held on Friday 22nd October; a session for Keystage 1 children (Years 1 & 2) from 3.30pm-4.15pm, and another for Keystage 2 children (Years 3-6) from 4.30pm-5.30pm. Tickets will be on sale within the academy grounds during week commencing 11th October and are priced at £1.00 each. We know how much the children love dressing up and having fun with their friends, and we cannot wait to see their amazing outfits! There will be a prize during each session for the spookiest outfit, and all children will also receive a small bag of sweets to take home with them.

Christmas Fayre

Although we are still in the process of finalising the specific details, we are thrilled to confirm that we will be holding a Christmas Fayre at Bloxwich Academy Primary on Friday 17th December. Please keep an eye out for further details after half term!

Contact Info

Secondary School
Leamore Lane
Bloxwich, Walsall
West Midlands

T: 01922 710 257

Secondary SENDCo – Mrs Bensley

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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