VE Day 2020

What is VE Day?

VE Day - or 'Victory in Europe Day' - marks the day towards the end of World War Two (WW2) when fighting against Nazi Germany in Europe came to an end. On 8 May 1945, Prime Minister Winston Churchill made an announcement on the radio at 3pm that the war in Europe had come to an end, following Germany's surrender the day before.

Articles and videos about VE Day here: https://bbc.in/3hUrvbn

To commemorate the 75th anniversary of VE Day we asked you to get
creative and we weren’t disappointed with the outcomes. As well as
some great artwork, our Bloxwich Academy CCF shared a message to
all key workers.


Reach for the Stars

Bloxwich Primary staff have been having a sing and a dance and have an important video message to share with the children!

Keep reaching for the stars!


Even more online lessons!

The BBC and the government have put together daily lessons for children across the UK. If you have finished the work we have set or you fancy something different, take a look.

Oak National Academy

I’m very pleased to welcome Oak National Academy, a new online classroom and resource hub, which has launched to support teachers until schools re-open. The online classroom will provide free lessons and resources for pupils from reception through to year 10. All resources, lessons and more information can be accessed here

As part of a collective response to the crisis, 40 teachers will be producing over 180 free online lessons each week, which will cover a range of subjects from English and maths to arts and languages.

BBC Bitesize 

This week the BBC is launching its own education package as part of their Charter across TV and online – helping to keep children learning and supporting parents. You can find more information about this here

The key difference between the BBC offer and the Oak National Academy is that the Academy is a planned and sequenced series of lessons for schools and trusts to use as part of their planned curriculum offer. Whereas the BBC offer is aimed more at parents and pupils.

Please note that we are not responsible for any of this content. If there are any technical issues, please contact the BBC or Oak Academy directly. We have found that the Oak Academy videos work best on Internet Explorer (the sound doesn't always work on Chrome, but we are sure they will be ironing out these teething issues moving forward).


MP Easter Egg Competition

Eddie Hughes, Member of Parliament for Walsall North is running an Easter Egg Competition! Get entering and don't forget to be creative. There will be a prize for the winner! Good Luck.

Download the template here: bit.ly/2wgxUL1


Daily Live PE Workouts

Starting Monday 23rd March Joe Wicks The Body Coach is going to be hosting a free workout aimed at kids LIVE on his YouTube channel.

With the schools closed and with us all spending more time at home, it's more important than ever that we keep moving and stay healthy and positive. Exercise is an amazing tool to help us feel happier, more energised, and more optimistic.

The workouts will be fun and suitable for all ages and even adults can get involved.  You don't need any equipment, just tune in on YouTube at 9am each morning for a 30-minute, fun workout. 


Daily Live PE Workouts

Starting Monday 23rd March Joe Wicks The Body Coach is going to be hosting a free workout aimed at kids LIVE on his YouTube channel.

With the schools closed and with us all spending more time at home, it's more important than ever that we keep moving and stay healthy and positive. Exercise is an amazing tool to help us feel happier, more energised, and more optimistic.

The workouts will be fun and suitable for all ages and even adults can get involved.  You don't need any equipment, just tune in on YouTube at 9am each morning for a 30-minute, fun workout. 


Sports Relief Dance-A-Thon!

On Friday 13th March, in aid of Sport Relief, we had our very own Dance-A-Thon! The Children had the chance to showcase the dance routines they have been perfecting during PE lessons. They came to school dressed ready for the event in their PE kits ready to hit the stage and showcase their best dance moves! 

A huge well done to all of the pupils involved, your dancing was fantastic! 


Police Officer Visit

On Thursday morning, around 115 Year 9 and 10 pupils received a talk from representatives of the police force. Cadets were also invited to attend. We had Joe, Brian and Andy (PCSOs) along with Stacey and Liam (Criminologists) visiting the academy. The pupils heard about how each came to be in the job role they are in which was great to hear just before Year 9 pupils attended Options Evening later that day.

Andy spoke about some time he spent as a Prison Officer at HMP Oakwood which the pupils found interesting. We had some excellent questions from pupils that Andy answered – most were interested about the day in the life of a Prison Officer and a prisoner.

Later on, the visitors made their way up to the Sixth Form block to speak to current Criminology students. We had some very in-depth discussions about how important it is to consider mental health when dealing with potential suspects as well as rehabilitation options that the Prison Service currently offers.

The representatives of the police force spoke very highly of our pupils and said they were pleasantly surprised by how much information about the Criminal Justice System our Criminologists knew.


Artsmark Walsall Gallery Trip

A group of some of our Year 9 high flying Arts students has the opportunity to experience workshops as part of Artsmark in conjunction with the Walsall Arts for All programme.

Pupils took part in many workshops, a tour of some galleries and some other activities linked to the Walsall Arts for All programme. This was a valuable experience and opportunity to learn from professional artists to help develop their artistic skills.

All students involved were fantastic and a real credit to the school. Students really enjoyed the experience and were so enthusiastic. They asked many questions throughout and really enjoyed all the activities.

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Contact Info

Secondary School
Leamore Lane
Bloxwich, Walsall
West Midlands

T: 01922 710 257

Secondary SENDCo – Mrs Bensley

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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