As part of our Personal Development Curriculum, we are looking at pupils’ safety in the community. On Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th September 2024, pupils in years 7-10 experienced a fantastic performance and interactive assembly promoting awareness of gang association relating to knife crime and county lines, online perceptions and the laws surrounding this. Pupils were made aware of the statistics relating to knife crimes and the powers of Stop and Search, including the risk of joint enterprise and being charged for crimes for any association with an unlawful action.
Pupils were given strategies to stay safe and protect themselves in the community. Pupils were reminded that “We are a Telling School” and to report any concerns or to ask any questions to staff members in school including form tutors, teaching staff, Head of House and Leadership.
We would like to thank Saltmine Trust for supporting Bloxwich Academy and promoting the message of safety in the community.
If you have any questions relating to this performance, please contact Miss Williamson via