Welcome to Bloxwich Academy Secondary
Mr R Prime | Headteacher
Where manners and respect form the centre of our educational journey.
We believe that success is built on the foundation of mutual respect and kindness.
At Bloxwich Academy, we view education as a collaborative effort between families and the school. Our commitment to your child's growth extends beyond the classroom, emphasising a strong partnership between home and school. Together, we can provide the support and guidance needed for every student to thrive academically and personally.
It is imperative that all pupils embrace and uphold the core values of our school community. Respect for oneself, peers, school staff, and the learning environment creating an atmosphere conducive to growth and achievement.
I have always believed that if "what we see isn't good enough for our own families, then it is not good enough for your children”.
As we navigate the academic year, let us remain mindful of the impact our words and actions have on those around us, we believe in rewarding positivity, encouraging pupils to try even though they may fail, and to learn through mistakes, and have the confidence to do so.
I look forward to leading Bloxwich Secondary into a new era, where the spirit of collaboration and adherence to our shared values will foster an environment with success for all, creating learning opportunities and personal growth inside the classroom and out of the school.
It is our strong belief that embedding high standards of behaviour and attitudes to learning, along with developing excellent learning and teaching practices, lead to the best educational outcomes. We strive to provide high-quality professional development to all our staff to ensure they are the best practitioners in their fields. In addition to recruiting inspiring teachers and quality support staff to guide our young people to succeed. Through being part of the Matrix trust we work closely with our training school to meet this aim. The progress achieved here at Bloxwich Academy in the last 12 months has been vast and we are determined to see standards improve further each and every day.
Bloxwich Academy joined the Matrix Academy Trust in April 2015.
The Trust was selected after a consultation process with all stakeholders as Matrix Academy Trust share our values and vision.
We have:
A shared belief that no child should fail.
A commitment to improving life chances of all pupils through outstanding teaching.
A belief that deprivation is not an excuse for underachievement.
The belief that the sharing of ideas will result in improved pupil achievement.
Opportunities for staff to coach and support each other through enhanced CPD.
Financial benefits with increased economies of scale.
New technologies used to develop innovative learning techniques to raise pupil achievement.
The ability to create leaders of the future, in staff and pupils.
For further information on the Trust can be found on their website www.matrixacademytrust.co.uk