As part of our RSHE curriculum, we are looking at pupils’ ability to acknowledge personal safety and understanding the development of themselves, their bodies. On Monday 15th April, Rebecca Jennings from Raise Education came into Bloxwich Academy, both primary and Secondary to deliver a range of workshops to our pupils.
The range of workshops were age appropriate and covered content as below:
Year 5: Friendships and raising self-esteem
Year 7: Female Genital Mutilation and personal boundaries
Year 8: Healthy relationships and gender identity
Year 9: Pornography and sexual harassment
Year 10: FGM and the law surrounding sexual relationships
The Department for Education requires us to deliver the statutory guidance for Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE). This, alongside other key areas such as RE, Citizenship and Careers, makes up our personal development curriculum which is delivered at all Key Stages through assemblies and form time activities.
Details of our RSHE Policy can be found on our website. This content is now statutory and forms a key part of our provision at school. Should you have any queries, please contact Miss Williamson in Secondary and Mrs Hatton in Primary.