Year 8 pupils at Bloxwich Academy are working with West Midlands Police and Virtual Decisions to be educated on their decisions in the local community and beyond. We have been given the fantastic opportunity to work with the virtual reality programme to advise pupils on the warning signs of gangs, the law relating to knife crime and carrying knifes and how to keep themselves and others safe. This will continue for pupils into next week.
The Department for Education requires us to deliver the statutory guidance for Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE). This, alongside other key areas such as RE, Citizenship and Careers, makes up our personal development curriculum which is delivered at all Key Stages through assemblies and form time activities. Details of our RSHE Policy can be found on our website. This content is now statutory and forms a key part of our provision at school.
Should you have any queries, please contact Miss Williamson in school. Thank you to West Midlands Police and Virtual Decisions for supporting our pupils with their decision making.
#WestMidlandsPolice #Virtual Decisions