Keeping our minds healthy and active. Device Free Challenges.
Challenge 2
The Big Garden Birdwatch
Pupils are to sign up to the RSPB website HERE. Spend an hour counting the birds you see in your garden and then tell us what you saw.
Take the 'which Garden Bird are you' quiz HERE.

Did you know?
Kestrels have remarkably keen eyesight even in extremely poor light, allowing them to hunt almost until dark.
Owls can rotate their necks 270 degrees.
Challenge 1
Following Christmas, Britain sees a significant increase in the use of plastics which have a big impact on our environment and global warming.
Create an under the sea display using plastic waste from around your house. You could also make a jelly fish, crab and fish from plastics and other wastes. Make a display explaining the impacts of plastic waste on the oceans.

Facts about Plastic
- On a yearly basis, around 8 million metric tons of plastic ends up in our oceans, seas and rivers.
- It takes approximately 450 years for the ocean to break down man-made plastic items.
- “Microplastics” – A smaller piece of plastic. These microplastics have now made their way into our diets through the sea food we consume.
- 100 million marine animals die every year from plastics invading their homes.
- By the year 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish.