Staff Wellbeing

At Bloxwich Academy, we place a very strong importance on wellbeing for all members of our community. This includes a commitment to staff wellbeing. We place staff wellbeing and workload at the heart of our decision taking and policy making. We meet regularly with a staff group which includes representatives from each faculty to listen to their views on workload and wellbeing and respond swiftly to their suggestions. At Bloxwich Academy we:

  • Place a very strong emphasis on a whole school approach to wellbeing
  • Have an open door policy and listen to the needs of our staff
  • Regularly survey our staff to collect their views on workload and wellbeing
  • Carry out face to face meetings with staff to collect and respond to their needs
  • Value every member of staff for the contribution that they make to our school community
  • Place workload and wellbeing at the heart of our decision making
  • Are committed to responding to all DfE document including the Workload Reduction Toolkit and the Wellbeing Charter.

Department for Education Wellbeing Charter

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