To celebrate the end of 'Careers Weeks' Bloxwich Academy Primary pupils came to school dressed in a costume of a career then would like for their future. We have had such a wide range of costumes including designers, entrepreneurs, vets, police officers, teachers, a palaeontologist, barristers, a detective, a variety of sports people, an array of scientists and medical professionals but to name a few.

Careers Encounters
This week we have held 'Careers Week' at Bloxwich Academy Primary. We have had visits from a F1 designer, veterinary nurses, a local engineer, a finance officers, a National Highways representative, a firefighter, a HR officer and an IT manager. We are so grateful for all of the support for our 'Careers Encounters'.

As part of 'Careers Week' Year 4 pupils have taken part in an interactive workshop with real Scientists through 'I'm a Scientist Get Me Out of Here'. The children investigated the Scientists profiles and then asked them question via a chat platform about their projects and careers. There were some amazing questions form our Year 4 pupils!