Early Years
Places Now Open
We have places available for 3-4 year olds for September, offering high quality learning experiences in a well-equipped, safe and caring setting.
We offer a wonderful, nurturing and stimulating environment where your child/ren will be taught by highly experienced staff. Our Early Years team considers the holistic development of all children; where each child is immersed in a range of practical, first-hand learning experiences through which they are encouraged to explore, experiment, and develop their language as they make sense of the world around them.
We believe learning through play is vital; we use the environment to ensure the children’s needs are met through continuous provision, enhanced provision and following their interests.
At Bloxwich Primary Academy, we believe ‘happy children learn’.
Don’t forget to submit your application. We look forward to welcoming you and your child/ren to our safe, caring, and happy school. Our Early Years Team look forward to hearing from you. Please call 01922 710 226 for more information.
Reception Admissions - Limited places remaining. To apply for place, complete our online application. You can use the application portal every day from 8am to 9.30pm. The Walsall Gov application portal can be accessed HERE.
Nursery Admissions
If you require a place for Nursery you can register your interest by emailing us at primarypostbox@bloxwichacademy.co.uk.