Welcome to Nursery

At Bloxwich Academy, we recognise the fundamental role a child’s early years has in sharing the person and learner they become. Our nursery curriculum is designed to lay strong foundations, so that the children develop the characteristics of an effective learner.  We also provide our pupils with the knowledge and skills they need to be ready for their school journey in reception. Our pupils have a safe and stimulating environment that will allow them to thrive. We aim to develop curiosity and nurture children into becoming independent and resilient learners.

During the autumn term, we begin by developing strong relationships with your child, allowing us to understand their interests. We also aim to develop relationships with parents/carers, providing the opportunity for strong parents/school partnership. Our first topic ‘Me and My Family,’ facilitates this learning. Your child will be encouraged to bring in special items from home to share with their friends in nursery. Later in the topic, your child will be asked to bring in a photograph of their family to share. During the second half of the term, we will begin our second topic ‘What is the Weather like today?’ where we will explore season changes during the autumn. We will explore our school environment and go on an autumn walk to see what we can find. Our focus stories this term include ‘Where’s Spot’ and ‘Postman Bear.’ 

During the spring term, we will begin our topic ‘Healthy Me.’ The purpose of this topic is to help the children to understand how to live healthy, through making good food choices, exercising regularly and maintaining good oral health. We will be exploring the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar,’ deciding which healthy and unhealthy food choices the caterpillar made. We will be tasting lots of healthy snacks and we will be making our very own yummy smoothies. Our second topic is ‘Ready, Steady Grow,’ where we will identify foods that we can grow in the ground. We are going to be getting our gardening gloves on, planting and looking after our own seeds in the allotment area. Our focus stories this term include ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar,’ ‘The Enormous Turnip’ and ‘Oliver’s Vegetables.’

During our final term in nursery, we will be learning all about animals in our ‘Animal Safari’ topic. We will name safari animals and look closely at their habitats, providing the perfect opportunity for observation and comparison. Your child will have the opportunity to be an explorer and create their very own animal habitat. Our second topic is ‘On the Beach.’ We will be bringing the beach to Bloxwich Academy, making sandcastles and creating our very own rock pools. We look forward to enjoying some yummy ice cream treats to cool off in the summer sun. Our focus stories this term include ‘Dear Zoo’, ‘Who’s Hiding at the Beach’ and ‘Tip Tap went the Crab.’ During this term, we will also be taking part in transition activities with reception, to ensure a seamless transition into their new year group.

What a wonderful year we have planned in nursery. We can’t wait to have lots of fun!


Miss Cope (Lead)
Miss Harper
Miss Darby

PE Day

Friday (AM Children)

Please keep an eye on the Nursery noticeboard for updates.


Children in nursery will learn to spell their name using some recognisable letters. To support their learning of name writing we encourage all children to first recognise their name.


Home learning books will be sent home every Friday and we would like them to be returned on Monday morning. The children will be expected to complete the task with support from an adult. 1000 stories books will be sent out on a Friday, and we would like the children to complete the daily tasks and return their book each Thursday.