Reading is the key that unlocks the whole curriculum so the ability to efficiently decode is essential. At Bloxwich Academy, we use the Read Write Inc synthetic phonics programme to teach our children the core skills of segmenting and blending and to start them on their ‘reading journey’.

At Bloxwich Academy Primary, we believe that only the BEST will do for our pupils. This means that barriers to leaning are swiftly identified and removed. Every child has enriching experiences, and this contributes to their employability. All the children can be successful in Phonics because we have a skills and knowledge rich curriculum. All children are encouraged to be independent learners with deep understanding. Phonics will unlock a wealth of learning and enrich the learners’ intellectual and creative curiosity while instilling the values needed to be lifelong learners.
Reading is the key that unlocks the whole curriculum so the ability to efficiently decode is essential. At Bloxwich Academy, we use the Read Write Inc synthetic phonics programme to teach our children the core skills of segmenting and blending and to start them on their ‘reading journey’. Read, Write, Inc. Phonics is an inclusive programme for all children learning to read. Children learn the 44 common sounds in the English language and how to blend them to read and spell. The use of pictures and memorable phrases is used to aid children’s retention and recall of phonemes for reading and spelling. Children are given ample opportunities to orally explore characters’ action, thoughts and feelings and to rehearse their writing.
Pupils work within ability groups which are defined by their performance on R.W.I. phonic assessments. Pupils are re-assessed every 6 weeks and the groups are reorganised accordingly.
Teacher generated planning is minimized as the planning is integrated into the teacher’s handbooks and follows set routines. Each group leader has a printed format for planning ditties or storybook lessons. To this framework, is added the particular ditty/ storybook being studied, new phonic elements that are being introduced and any other points worthy of note for future use.
LSA’s will be responsible for planning for their R.W.I groups, with the support of the R.W.I lead as required. LSA’s will be given preparation time prior to the daily sessions.
We follow the 5 P’s:
Praise – Children learn quickly in a positive climate.
Pace – Good pace is essential to the lesson.
Purpose – Every part of the lesson has a specific purpose.
Passion – This is a very prescriptive programme. It is the energy, enthusiasm and passion that teachers put into the lesson that bring the teaching and learning to life!
Participation – A strong feature of R.W.I. lessons is partner work and the partners ‘teaching’ each other (based on research which states that we learn 70% of what we talk about with our partner and 90% of what we teach).
Useful Links - Online ebooks available for all children to read at home. - Parental support for how to help your child develop essential reading skills at home
Please listen to your child read over the week 5 –10 minutes 3 times a week and ensure they practice the sounds in the book, the green words, red words and give them plenty of praise. Ask them to show you how to read the book as this will build their reading confidence.