Physical Education
At Bloxwich Academy, the intention of the Physical Education curriculum is to inspire and motivate our children to make a lifelong commitment to being physically active as part of a healthy lifestyle.

At Bloxwich Academy, the intention of the Physical Education curriculum is to inspire and motivate our children to make a lifelong commitment to being physically active as part of a healthy lifestyle. We aim to deliver a curriculum that includes appropriate subject knowledge, skills and understanding as set out in the National Curriculum so children can reach and exceed their potential. We aim to implement a strong and broad PE Curriculum, which ignites passion and enthusiasm for PE. We want our children to become confident, resilient, independent and well-rounded individuals who are equipped for their future learning and always strive to be the best they can be.
Our Physical Education curriculum focuses on a progression of skills, knowledge of rules; tactics and understanding of a healthy lifestyle so all children are suitably challenged. We aim to eliminate all barriers to learning and make PE accessible to all children. We hope that children enjoy PE so much they will seek additional PE through extra-curricular clubs and clubs within the local community.
All children in EYFS are taught PE for an hour a week, children in key stage one and two are taught PE for two hours each week. Children will complete units in orienteering, gymnastics, dance, fitness, invasion games, tennis, athletics, striking and fielding, football, tag rugby, leadership, netball and basketball during their time at Bloxwich Primary Academy.
Every child from Year 4, 5 and 6 will participate in swimming lessons for a term. Year 1, 2 and 3 will complete a multi-skills unit of work, which will provide children with the opportunity to experience alternative sports they may not usually have chance to participate in e.g. ultimate frisbee, mini golf, dodgeball and boccia.
At the end of each half term, children will get the opportunity to participate in intra house competitions where they will represent their houses and participate in a range of sporting activities. Children will have the opportunity to attend a broad range of extra-curricular clubs.
Children will have the opportunity to participate in competitive sports at inter events against other schools throughout the year as part of the School Games programme. Every class will also complete the Daily Mile, this helps to increase the amount of time spent being active and will be beneficial for children’s physical and mental health.
Progression Skills
Each year group has a scheme of learning, which is clear and detailed; this will ensure the content coverage for each unit of work is consistent. The scheme of learning includes key vocabulary, links to healthy active lifestyles, resources and the Bloxwich PE values. The schemes of learning build on prior knowledge and skills taught from previous units of work.
During EYFS, children will develop fundamental skills (e.g. running, jumping, hopping, rolling, crawling, throwing, skipping, kicking and catching); these are the all-important foundation blocks on which to build during key stage one and two. During key stage one children will develop their fundamental skills further while developing their knowledge and understanding of the physical and mental benefits of being active. During key stage two children will develop more advanced skills and knowledge of rules and tactics. In key stage two children will also fulfil many roles within their PE lessons including performer, coach, umpire and leader.
We will assess learning through a variety of methods including question and answer, class discussions, demonstrations and summative assessments using the new through school framework. We hope that through our planning and chosen activities, children will have made one level/goal of progress by the end of the year and all children in year 6 will be able to swim 25m by the time they leave school.
Useful Links
School Games -
Password: Bloxwich2021
Studio You –
Password: Bloxwich2021
Please complete one activity a week from the websites shown above.