
All of the children can be successful in Science because we have a skills and knowledge rich curriculum. All children are encouraged to be independent learners with deep understanding. Science will awaken the thirst of learning and enrich the learners’ intellectual and creative curiosity while instilling the values needed to be lifelong learners.



At Bloxwich Academy Primary, we believe that only the BEST will do for our pupils. This means that barriers to leaning are swiftly identified and removed. Every child has enriching experiences and this contributes to their employability. All of the children can be successful in Science because we have a skills and knowledge rich curriculum. All children are encouraged to be independent learners with deep understanding. Science will awaken the thirst of learning and enrich the learners’ intellectual and creative curiosity while instilling the values needed to be lifelong learners. The intention is that science seeks to promote a love of science, demonstrate how science is applied to everyday scenarios and develop transferable skills such as critical and logical thinking. We will promote STEM careers and stretch, challenge and aspire to engage pupils to push boundaries and deepen their understanding.

Pupils will be encouraged to ask questions, to make critical observations and even identify their own types of enquiry to answer their own questions. High-quality vocabulary for each topic taught will be reinforced with pre-teaching methods, then built upon through progression and opportunities to have class and group discussions and debates. The Concepts taught will be reinforced by focusing on the main features of scientific enquiry, so that pupils learn to use a range of approaches to answer relevant scientific questions.


We implement a Science curriculum at Bloxwich that builds on prior skills and knowledge year on year. The science curriculum will be taught in response to driving questions which are aimed to be challenging, inspiring, creative, nurturing and encourage active learning. As far as possible, each topic must have an element which challenges the “Thinking Scientifically” element of the curriculum and focuses on building different aspects of enquiry skills. Through a wide range of scientific investigations, we will explore various lines of enquiry that will enable us to work scientifically and use scientific language effectively. Where possible, our Science learning will work alongside our classroom topics, offering contextualised learning at every opportunity.

Progression Skills

From enabling curiosity and developing observation skills in the EYFS and Key Stage 1, to planning our own enquiries in order to answer scientific questions in Key Stage 2, skills will be built upon, consolidated and extended throughout our pupils’ time at Bloxwich Primary Academy.

Early Years Foundation Stage and Year One:

Science is underpinned by the first acts of exploration. We actively encourage our pupils from Nursery to Year One to be curious and make observations of the world around them. From this, the children can spring board into questioning and then systematic enquiry skills begin to develop. Science in the Foundation Stage is covered in the area ‘Understanding the World’. During their first year at Bloxwich Academy, pupils will explore creatures, people, plant and objects in their natural environments. They will observe and manipulate objects and materials to identify differences and similarities. They will also learn to use their senses, feeling dough or listening to sounds in the environment around them. They will make observations of animals and plants and explain why some things occur and talk about changes. The children will develop their skills of asking questions about why and how things happen. Eventually, they will use scientific language to communicate, plan, investigate and evaluate findings.

Year One to Year 6 Science Curriculum:

Year One to Year 6 follow the National Curriculum and the Bloxwich Academy Scheme of leaning for science. Science has a full scheme of leaning broken down into year groups and covering the pupils intended end points for their learning. These have been specifically created by the subject leader. All staff have access to this scheme of learning which is linked to a key question that drives the leaning for that topic area. The scheme highlights the objectives that must be covered and also the scientific and enquiry skills that are also required.

Teachers then plan for their activities and make or use high quality resources to enrich the teaching and learning. Teachers use pre-unit and end of unit tests alongside AFL to inform teaching and learning.