Welcome to Early Years.
It is with pleasure that we welcome you and your child to Bloxwich Academy Primary. This marks the beginning of a very exciting journey that we will all be making together. This page provides a wealth of important information to support you with the smooth transition of your child into our academy.
All the staff at the academy are committed to ensuring your child has the happiest and most successful transition into the academy and at all times we strive to achieve our motto of “being the best you can be”. The academy motto encapsulates what we want for all of our children; to ‘be the best they can be’ from the moment they first walk through our doors.
We believe at the academy we provide your child with the very best start to their educational experience. But integral to that, is our partnership with our parents, which is at the heart of our practice and we will endeavour to give you the support and information you require.
If you should require this please contact Nicola Stubbs (Assistant Headteacher EYFS) or any member of the EYFS team.
Starting School
Starting school is the next big change in the life of your child. It is important that we support children to settle into school as smoothly as possible. Initially, you will want to ensure that your child is happy as they enter and there may be occasions when your child is upset and reluctant to leave you.
The staff may suggest leaving your child once they have entered school so they can settle on their own. If such an occasion arises, please be guided by staff, as they are experienced in handling such situations. Children often calm themselves after only a few minutes. Our dedicated and caring staff will support you and your child every step of the way.
Parents can choose from the following options:
Option 1
Morning session 8:30am – 11:30am (3 hours per day, 5 days a week) 15 hours government funded.
When places are offered in option 1 children are expected to attend 5 mornings a week.
Option 2
All day session 9:00am – 3:00pm - 30 hours government funded - 5 days per week for working families. (Parents/carers to provide a packed lunch for their child)
Apply using the link below.
30 hours free childcare - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Option 3
Afternoon session 12:15pm – 3:15pm (3 hours per day, 5 days a week) 15 hours government funded.
When places are offered in option 3 children are expected to attend 5 afternoons a week.
Please contact Mrs Stubbs (Assistant Headteacher) for more information
nstubbs@bloxwichacademy.co.uk | 01922 710226
When children start nursery, parents are encouraged to take their child into the nursery classroom. To encourage independence, we ask that the children enter the cloakroom alone as soon as possible. Our wonderful caring staff will offer support to them as necessary.
At the start of each day please walk your child round to the reception entrance where our staff will welcome you and your child. We will be on hand to offer any support your child may need if they are a little upset or are reluctant to say goodbye to you.
The morning session takes place from 8:30am - 12:00pm Monday to Friday.The afternoon session takes place from 12:50pm - 3:15pm Monday to Friday. In between sessions, children take lunch in the dinner hall.

What will your child learn?
Children in nursery and reception will learn by playing and exploring, being active and through critical thinking, which will take place both indoors and outdoors. Children will learn through a mix of adult-led taught sessions and through the activities that they choose to access. During play, your child's teacher/teaching assistant will support your child to apply the new learning they have completed during carpet sessions.
Children will be taught and assessed through several areas of learning:
Prime Areas
• Personal, Social and Emotional Development
• Physical Development
• Communication and Language.
Specific Areas
• Literacy
• Maths
• Understanding of the World
• Expressive Arts and Design
Your child will have a learning journey where evidence (including written notes and photographs) will be gathered to show the progress they have made. This evidence will be used to judge where your child is in their learning.
At the end of reception, the children are expected to have met the Early Learning Goals (ELG). Your child's class teacher will give further information on this. If you have any further questions, please speak to your child's teacher.

Important Dates
Tuesday 10th June 2025 9:00-9:30am: Induction meeting in the school hall
Tuesday 2nd - Wednesday 3rd September 2025: Nursery meetings with parents. Appointments will be confirmed with your child's teacher at the induction meeting on 10th June 2025
Thursday 4th & Friday 5th September 2025: 1 hour and 30 minute settling in session. We initially stagger these hours as part of our transition programme.
Monday 8th & Tuesday 9th September 2025: 2 hour settling in session
Wednesday 10th September 2025: Children start their funded 3 hour session
Thursday 11th September 2025: Children entitled to 30 hour nursery provision will begin their full day session.
If your child is taking longer to settle we can make adjustments to the transition period to suit individual children
Thursday 12th June 2025: Barr Beacon class induction meeting in the school hall – 2:15-2:45pm
Thursday 19th June 2025: Golden Cap class induction meeting in the school hall – 2:15- 2:45pm
Play & Stay sessions – children to meet teachers without their parent/s
Tuesday 24th June – 1:15-2:45pm
Thursday 26th June -1:15-2:45pm
Tuesday 2nd September 2025: Bloxwich Academy Nursery children to attend Reception from 8:30-11:00am.
Children who attended other Nursery settings will not attend today.
Wednesday 3rd September 2025: Bloxwich Academy Nursery children to attend Reception from 8:30-12:00pm
Children who attended other Nursery settings will not attend today.
Thursday 4th September 2025: Bloxwich Academy Nursery children to attend Reception from 8:30am-1:15pm
Children who attended other Nursery settings will not attend today.
Friday 5th September 2025: Bloxwich Academy Nursery children to attend Reception from 8:30am-3:15pm
Children who attended other Nursery settings will not attend today.
Monday 8th September 2025: Bloxwich Academy Nursery children to attend Reception from 8:30am-3:15pm
Children who have attended other Nursery settings to attend Reception from 8:30-11:00am.
Tuesday 9th September 2025: Bloxwich Academy Nursery children to attend Reception from 8:30-3:15pm
Children who have attended other Nursery settings to attend Reception from 8:30-1:15pm
Wednesday 10th September 2025: Bloxwich Academy Nursery children to attend Reception 8:30am-3:15pm
Children who have attended other Nursery settings to attend Reception from 8:30-3:15pm
30 hours Bloxwich Academy Nursery children to attend the full day in Reception from the beginning of the school year, from the 2nd September 2025.
Safeguarding Our Children
Our safeguarding policy is as follows:
• The school has a duty of care to all children and follows local authority guidelines on all safeguarding issues
• Children identified as vulnerable through child protection issues are monitored with the appropriate agencies
• Persistent absences are treated seriously with appropriate steps taken to protect the child. This may include court
• All staff in this school are subject to safer recruitment procedures on employment and receive continual child protection updates.
Raising a concern
If parents have a concern, firstly discuss this with the class teacher. If this is unresolved, please make an appointment with the Assistant Headteacher (Mrs N Stubbs). A further appointment can be made with the headteacher if necessary. The schools complaints policy can be viewed HERE
We often take photographs of the children for assessments, displays or the school website. We have consent forms available for you to give permission.