What a great week Year 4 have had! After the break, Year 4 started their new states of matter topic during their Science lessons. They have looked at how solids can turn into liquids and the melting point each object requires and they have also looked at how solids can turn into a gas. They have been classifying materials into the 3 groups. It was an interesting investigation as some children were unsure which group slime would be put into as it fills the container but is easy to hold.
Year 4 have also been writing up their explanations of the water cycle where they have been explaining evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection. They have been using technical vocabulary, which links to their learning in Science. It has been fascinating to read the writing and we will be recording audio recordings of these
On Tuesday, the entire Year 4 cohort visited the Wrekin – a 407m hill located in Telford. We set off at 9:15am and all the children were thrilled when they first glanced at the Wrekin in person. After 20 minutes of walking up the steep hill, we completed a science investigation which looked at which insects we could see in the woods. We then set off for another 20-minute hike. Once we reached the half-way point, we stopped for 15 minutes to complete some art rubbings of local plants. It was interesting to see how different leaves create different shades on the paper. Finally, after another 20 minutes of hill climbing, we reached the summit. The views were out-of-this-world! The children were sharing many comments:
“Wow, I can’t believe we actually made it to the top.”
“I don’t think I can see my house from here,”
“I can’t wait to tell my mum, she’s going to be so happy,”
We then sat at the top eating our lunch for the next 15 minutes. After a quick group photo, it was time to make our descent down to the coach. What a fantastic achievement for all involved! It was a great day spending time with the Year 4s, and we can’t wait to go on our next trip!