We have to provide information to the Department for Education (DfE), which dictates how much funding the school receives. As you know, the more funding we receive, the better provision we can provide for your children.
One of the key funding categories is how many children take up Universal Free School Meals (UFSM) on census day. All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free meal (hot dinner or sandwich) every day. Some parents choose not to take this offer and supply their children with a packed lunch. We always try to ensure that on census day one of the more popular meal choices is available. On this day, we have a themed dinner day the ‘American Diner’ and as a result our menu has changed to hot dogs, burgers (vegetarian option available), fries and donuts, but remember there is also the school sandwich option you can order which is also very popular for many children.
We would like your help to try and encourage your child to take up the UFSM offer and if at all possible, test it out next Thursday.