Religious Education
At Bloxwich Academy, we teach Religious Education to help children understand and appreciate different beliefs, practices and religions. We allocate an hour to RE each week in order to teach the RE knowledge and skills in a developmental and age-appropriate way.

At Bloxwich Primary Academy, we aim to implement an in depth RE curriculum, which supports pupils to understand and appreciate different beliefs, practices and religions as well as relating these to the modern world. We aim to inspire, challenge and foster a love of discovery, to help the children develop respect, tolerance and empathy, while celebrating and learning about the diversity of the wider world around them.
RE at Bloxwich Primary Academy is taught through the Walsall Agreed Syllabus Religious Education Harmony and Diversity 2021-2026. The covered topics are targeted to meet all objectives of the National Curriculum whilst also providing cross-curricular opportunities, for example IT, art and writing opportunities. The syllabus is expressed in the cycle of three elements – rich substantive knowledge of religions and worldviews, expression of understanding and ideas and skills to investigate religions and worldviews.
In our teaching of RE, we will employ a range of teaching styles and opportunities in order to engage and inspire our children to develop knowledge, understanding and investigative skills. These opportunities will include individual, partner and group activities and will involve the use of high-quality teaching resources. Teachers will strive to make links between religions to aid pupils to consider similarities and differences across different cultures and faiths. Opportunities to experience different cultures and faiths in the local area will be seized where possible to promote curiosity and tolerance.

Early Years Foundation Stage
In EYFS, pupils will explore religious themes through a child-centred approach based upon the Understanding of the World educational programme. Our children will be encouraged to describe their immediate environment as well as that of the community and explore some similarities and differences between different religious and cultural communities.