Transition for our new Reception children
This week we will be welcoming children into our wonderful reception classes as part of our induction programme to help prepare them for starting school in September. Our transition booklet provides parents/carers with all the vital information they need to support their child on their Bloxwich Academy journey. https://bloxwichacademy.co.uk/ey-induction/
We have planned high quality learning experiences in our indoor and outdoor environment for the children to play and explore whilst our wonderful early years staff get to know the children. Miss Thomas our Early years Leader has been busy visiting local pre-school providers to meet the children who have not attended our nursery setting.
Transition for our new Nursery children
Miss Lloyd, our friendly nursery teacher has been busy calling the parents of all our new nursery children to discuss their child’s development and interests and any particular needs that they may have. She looks forward to meeting her new children very soon.
Transition Day for children moving into year 1 to year 6 in September – Wednesday 30th June
Teachers will be sharing with your child next week the classes they will be in from September and, on Wednesday 30th June, all children will spend the morning with their new teacher(s) and support staff for September. The children will undertake a range of activities during the morning.
Transition for year 6 pupils moving to high school Year 6
Y6 pupils were scheduled to attend the Secondary school for the last two weeks. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 infection rate increasing we are not continuing with this plan. However, the secondary school staff will be delivering a transition programme of work at the primary site to support their move up to the senior school. This will include a range of core subject, wellbeing/PSHE and physical education lessons.