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Current House Points


Stephenson Sharks



Brindley Bears



Watt Wolves



Telford Tigers


Year 4 Wrekin Trip

What a great week Year 4 have had! After the break, Year 4 started their new states of matter topic during their Science lessons. They have looked at how solids can turn into liquids and the melting point each object requires and they have also looked at how solids can turn into a gas. They have been classifying materials into the 3 groups. It was an interesting investigation as some children were unsure which group slime would be put into as it fills the container but is easy to hold. Year 4 have also been writing up their explanations of…

World Book Day

This week celebrates World Book Day and to kick start our week off and to continue our love of reading, the children were lucky enough to participate in a story-telling dance class run by an outside dance company. The children in nursery and reception danced to ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’, the children in year 1 and 2 danced to ‘The Gruffalo’ and the children in year 3, 4, 5 and 6 danced to ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’. Our children enjoyed this so much and both their performances and laughter were lovely to see and hear!  On Thursday, we celebrated World…

Wonder Kid, William

In memory of his older brother, during February, William in Year 5 will be taking part in a 24 hour gaming session to raise money for the charity Sands.  Sands is the leading stillbirth and neonatal death charity in the UK and exists to reduce the number of babies dying. They ensure that anyone affected by the death of a baby receives the best possible care and support for as long as they need it. You can find out more about the charity here: We wish William the best of luck with his fundraising! If you would like to find out…

Nursery Topic 'Long Ago'

In Nursery, we have started to focus on our new topic ‘Long Ago.’ The children have been exploring photos of events that have happened in the past. Some of the photographs the children have explored are in black and white. We have spoken about how photos have changed over time. We have been drawing pictures of our family using black charcoal and black wax crayons – the children have described their pictures brilliantly. Last week, we all went outside to see how the weather had changed. After being outside for a few minutes the snow started to fall from the…

Our Artistic Superstar

During the Christmas holiday, Bloxwich Academy Primary received the incredible news that one of our Year 6 pupils had won MP Eddie Hughes’ Christmas Card Competition! Holly’s amazing design had been chosen out of the hundreds submitted by children across the borough to be the official Christmas card of our local MP, and even the Prime Minister himself has been pictured holding the winning creation! The news even made it into the Express & Star, and all the staff took great pleasure reading about Holly’s success over the holidays. The article is here if you would like to read more…

Contact Info

Primary School
Bloxwich Lane
Bloxwich, Walsall
West Midlands

T: 01922 710 226

Primary SENDCo – Mrs K Martin

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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