Key Stage 1 Years 1 & 2
Welcome to your Remote learning page. Read the information below before logging into your learning.
If you are required to work from home your teachers will set online activities using Microsoft teams. Your teachers will guide your work linked to the topics you have been learning in class. You will have daily lessons for:-
  • Mathematics
  • Phonics (for your colour group) 
  • Reading
  • Other subjects linked to your year group.
There are also special resources for:-
  • Music (Charanga) for your Year group. Access will be guided by your year group teachers.
  • Physical Education (P.E) daily Challenge activities where you can try a variety of fun tasks. Remember to print off the Progress chart to record your improvement. (A family member could help you with this.)
  • ‘Active Bodies and Minds’. Dance, Music and rhythm. The whole family can join in and enjoy these classes.
  • Additional resources where you can access reinforcement lessons to help your understanding.
Now you can login. Use your school login to access your classroom portal. You will need your school username and password. Once you are logged in select the Microsoft Teams tile.


You may receive periodic telephone calls from school to check both how you are and how you are getting on with your learning. If you need any help ask a parent to contact the school and ask to speak with your teacher. Children who normally have additional support with their learning will be contacted more frequently by the SEND or Pastoral lead teachers.

Healthy Bodies & Minds.

Supporting physical fitness and mental health. Keeping Fit & Healthy.  Try these resources on your computer at home. 


KS1 Dance

Complete the KS1 Dance tasks and then once you have completed the session and fill out the dance monitoring sheet.

KS1 Dance TasksMonitoring Sheet

Daily PE Challenge

Download the Progress Chart and complete the daily PE challenges. Complete each task once a week for 6 weeks. Try to beat your previous score each time.

Click Here

KS1 Health & Fitness

Complete the KS1 Health & Fitness tasks and then once you have completed the session and fill out the fitness monitoring sheet.

KS1 Fitness TasksFitness Monitoring Sheet

Additional Resources

Topics linked to the national curriculum can be found HERE.

Use the below resources to continue your online learning